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With this absolute certainty the people rested, not content, but submitting to the inevitable. Only two men among the Queres knew the whole truth of the matter, and these were Tyope and the old Koshare Naua. They watched with apparent calmness, but with the greatest attention, the approach of the storm which they had prepared. Everything went on to their hearts' content.

Topanashka leaned back against the wall, his gaze fixed on the Koshare. Everybody was in suspense, in expectation of what the Naua might say. He coughed, and began addressing the leading shaman, "Yaya Hishtanyi, you hear that the Water people refuse to give us the land that we so much need. They ask of us that we should give them all we have for a small part of theirs.

It is not their duty to make people believe that they are wiser than the chayani and to induce the people to give them bowl after bowl full of meal, feathers, shells, and whatever else may be good and precious. For it is not to the Koshare as a body that all these things are distributed; it is only their naua who gets them, and through him his hanutsh, at the expense of all the other clans.

My hanutsh is Shutzuna," he cast a rapid glance to where the delegate of the Prairie-wolf people was sitting, "and we have enough land for ourselves." The governor now addressed the same question successively to the Koshare Naua and to the leader of the Cuirana.

There was no doubt in his mind that he would return from the war-path crowned with glory and with scalps, provided he was not killed. Should he return alive, then the time would come for him to set the Koshare Naua to work to secure him the desired position. Once made maseua he would resume his former plans, push the case against Shotaye to the bitter end, and try to divide the tribe.

"Sa nashtio is coming soon." Turning to his brother he asked, "Where have you been all day, satyumishe?" "With the naua," was the short reply. "And you?" "At home; I felt tired from yesterday." "And from kenayte!" Zashue taunted, laughing. Say joined in the laugh. "I don't ask you where you were last night." "At home." Say confirmed it. "Surely?" "Certainly."

"Because " He stopped, then raised his head as if a sudden and wicked thought had flashed across his mind. His eyes sparkled. "I dare not tell." He cast his eyes to the ground, and a bitter smile passed over his lips. "Why dare you not tell?" both Say and Okoya inquired. "Has sa nashtio told you not to say anything about it?" "Not he, but the Koshare Naua." It was like an explosion.

Zashue denied it positively, and added, "The Naua is out of doors." "In that case it is our people again who have to suffer." His passion was aroused; he cried, rather than spoke "The Shyuamo never suffer anything. Who knows but the shuatyam, Tyope, and the old one have again done something to harm us!" Ere Zashue could reply to this sally the young man had left the cave.

Apprehensions were increased by the fact that only a part of the dignitaries of the tribe were doing penance. The Koshare Naua was not fasting, neither was Topanashka; and Tyope went about with the utmost unconcern.

They lived and died in the seclusion of their valley gorge, and neither the Tehuas nor the Navajos molested them in the years following. Tyope continued to vegetate, anxiously taking care to give no occasion for recalling his former conduct. The Naua soon died.