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While I'm bandmaster, I'll be treated with proper respect; and, mark this, our band shall be efficient, and the members shall practise till they are!" He tapped the music-stand sharply, raised his baton, and then went on talking. "Here, you!" he cried. "Smithson, didn't you say?" "Yes, sir." "What did you say?" "Smithson, sir."

Down came the baton, two bars were played, and the result was so much worse that the bandmaster banged his music-stand frantically. "Stand back, sir!" he yelled. "This is ridiculous! What does the colonel mean? What do you mean, sir, by pretending you know the music? What? What's that you say?" "I said `I beg pardon, sir," began Dick. "Beg pardon!

Some new pieces of music encumbered the music-stand in the lower room and on his shelves stood two volumes by Nietzsche: Thus Spake Zarathustra and The Gay Science. He wrote seldom in the sheaf of papers which lay in his desk. One of his sentences, written two months after his last interview with Mrs.

"At a large table in the bay-window, with his desk before him on one end of this table a case, something like a small deal music-stand, filled with manuscript books on the other a large deal tray, filled with a leaden ink-stand, containing ink enough for a county; a magnifying glass; a carpenter's rule; several large steel pens, which it was high treason to touch; a glass bowl full of shot and water, to clean these precious pens; and some red tape, which he called 'one of the grammars of life'; a measuring line, and various other articles, more useful than ornamental.

Lady Montfort turned up the stair, and Lionel followed her into the apartment. A harp stood at one corner not far from it a piano and music-stand. On one of the tables there were the implements of drawing a sketch in water-colours half finished. "Our work-room," said Lady Montfort, with a warm cheerful smile, and yet Lionel could see that tears were in her eyes " mine and my dear pupil's.

These, with all the other singers, stood around the revolving music-stand, on which the large manuscript chorals were placed. The old Byzantine pulpit still occupies its original position at San Luis Rey, but the sounding-board is gone no one knows whither.

His daughter, a soft and delicate girl, touches the light guitar: catching the notes of the music from the opened opera, which is placed before the father on a massy music-stand. Her voice joins in melody with her mother, who, like all German mothers, seems only her daughter's self, subdued by an additional twenty years.

A place, by day, where you lunch under giant red and white umbrellas, with seats for two, and these half-hidden by Japanese screens, so high that even the waiters cannot look over. A place with a great music-stand smothered in palms and shady walks and cosey seats, out of sight of anybody, and with deaf, dumb, and blind waiters.

Even the white woolly Maltese dog that sprang from the rug to welcome him even the flowers in the jardiniere even the tasteful cottage-piano, and the very music-stand beside it and the card- trays, piled high with invitations, were contributions from the forgiving sex to the unrequiting bachelor.

As they were passing through the suite of rooms, Squire John suddenly stopped Rudolf, and said "Look! in this room I heard her laugh for the last time. On that chair yonder she lost her shawl it is there still. On that table is a pair of gloves, the last she ever wore. Here she used to sit when she sketched. There's the piano, still open a fantasia lies, you see, on the music-stand.