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So Minnie Munn, pretty, blithe, life-loving Minnie, whose going had hurt us so, had come back to Our Square, with all her love of life quenched. She had promised that she would come back, in the little, hysterical, defiant note she left under the door. Her father and mother must wait and not worry.

The banns were regularly published by the vicar of Dalton in Dalton Church, and in that chapel Edith Dalton was regularly and legally married to Leon Dudleigh by the Rev. Mr. Munn. What more is wanting to make it legal? Go and ask Mr. Munn himself." "The banns!" exclaimed Wiggins. "Yes, the banns," said Leon. "You never heard of that, perhaps. If you doubt me, go and ask Munn."

In connection with the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Messrs. MUNN & Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 39 years' experience, and now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN of all Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee.

She freed her hand and laid it on his shoulder. "Look at him," she moaned. "He couldn't 'a' done it. He's he's just a boy!" Sheriff Munn rose. His men rose with him. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Brenner," he said. "Terrible sorry. But you can see how it is. Things look pretty black for him." He paused, looked around, hesitated for a moment. Finally he said, "Well, I guess we'd better be getting along." Mrs.

Brenner gave a smothered gasp. Tobey woke to terror. He turned to run. In an instant the men surrounded him. Trapped, he stood still, his head lowered in his shoulders. "Ma!" he screamed suddenly. "Ma! I don't want to go! Ma!" He fell on his knees. Heavy childish sobs racked him. Deserted, terrified, he called upon the only friend he knew. "Ma! Please, Ma!" Munn lifted him up.

"Rob Dow," he said, "William Carmichael, Thomas Whamond, William Munn, Alexander Hobart, Henders Haggart, step forward." These were Auld Lichts, and when they found that the minister would not take his eyes off them, they obeyed, all save Rob Dow. "Never mind him, Rob," said the atheist, Cruickshanks, "it's better playing cards in hell than singing psalms in heaven."

Munn guarded everything that came her way as if it were a deadly crime in which she was implicated. She seemed not a whit disturbed by the astonishing fact that Arabella was going to elope. Such a method of getting married quite coincided with her general belief that things should not be talked about.

Munn; "what has my conscience to do with it?" "How long is it since that wretched mockery at which you officiated?" asked Wiggins, sternly. "I really I think a few months only." "A few months," repeated Wiggins. "Well, it has come to this. That is the immediate cause of her flight, and of her present suffering." "I I married them," stammered Mr. Munn; "but what of that?

Justices Bradley, Gray, and Lamar dissented, and Bradley on this occasion delivered an opinion, from which I shall quote a paragraph or two, since the argument appears to me conclusive, not only from the point of view of law, but of political expediency and of common sense: "I cannot agree to the decision of the court in this case. It practically overrules Munn v.

In the vestry Hendry Munn was now holding counsel with three elders, of whom the chief was Lang Tammas. "The laddie I sent to the manse," Hendry said, "canna be back this five minutes, and the question is how we're to fill up that time. I'll ring no langer, for the bell has been in a passion ever since a quarter-past eight.