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Like the day which was ended, in which the mountain-girl had found a taste of Eden, it seemed too sacred for mortal strife. Now and again there came the note of a night-bird, the croak of a frog from the shore; but the serene stillness and beauty of the primeval North was over all.

With bowed head he relinquished the brown hand of the mountain-girl whom he had loved since childhood, to the outstretched hand of the young "foreigner," whom he no longer looked at with the hatred which had so long thrilled his heart. "And now I says good-bye. God bless you both!" He went out, slowly, with the Colonel. "Madge, he's right," said Frank, "this little hand is mine."

He could not make his mind up as to what he ought to do. He knew he loved the mountain-girl, but but "There, there, my boy, I'm sorry," said the Colonel, sympathetically, apologetically. "Let's drop the subject. The ladies will be here, soon. Before they come I'll step over to the office and get the answer from the Dyer Brothers." He rose, looking at his watch. "It's nearly time it was here.

She had formed a plan, deep in her mind, and had sought the mountain-girl with the skilful scheme. "Then Mr. Frank is goin' to be ruined!" Madge exclaimed, dejectedly. "Not unless you wish it," Barbara replied, looking straight into her eyes. "Dellaw! Me wish that? Just you tell me what you mean!" The bluegrass girl stood looking at the mountain maiden with appraising eye for a few seconds.