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It's nothing to me, of course, but still " She got up and, shaking off the proffered assistance of her uncle, went slowly and languidly up to her room. Mr. Mott followed her as far as the door, and then turned indignantly upon Mr. Hurst. "You you've broke her heart," he said, solemnly. "That's all right," said Mr. Hurst, with a delighted wink. "I'll mend it again."

"Perhaps she has gone upstairs to take her things off," he muttered, resuming his seat. "Don't don't hurry her!" "I wasn't going to," said Mr. Mott. He twisted his beard uneasily, and at the end of ten minutes looked from the clock to Mr. Hurst and coughed. "If you wouldn't mind letting her know I'm waiting," said the young man, brokenly. Mr. Mott rose, and went slowly upstairs.

Then he pushed open the door, and, slipping into the passage, passed hastily into the front room, closely followed by the infuriated Mr. Mott. "What what what!" stammered that gentleman. "I'm taking your tip," said Mr. Hurst, pale but determined. "I'm going to stay here until I have seen Florrie." "You you're a serpent," said Mr. Mott, struggling for breath. "I I'm surprised at you.

Once when riding on the street-cars in Philadelphia, when no black person was allowed to ride inside, every fifth car being reserved for their use, she saw a frail-looking and scantily-dressed colored woman, standing on the platform in the rain. The day was bitter cold, and Mrs. Mott begged the conductor to allow her to come inside. "The company's orders must be obeyed," was the reply.

Garrison, Phillips, Pillsbury, and Lucretia Mott were there, as well as Lucy Stone, that appealing young woman of whose eloquence on the antislavery platform Susan had heard so much, and Abby Kelley Foster, whose appointment to office in the American Antislavery Society had precipitated a split in the ranks on the "woman question."

And I never laid eyes on it but what I burnt the wind for the ranch the same night. I used to see her in that coma mott back of the little horse-corral." "We knowed it," chanted Baldy; "but we never let on. We was all for you. We knowed why you always kept that fast paint in camp.

Mott was almost beside himself with rage as he watched the passing cars and heaped all manner of maledictions upon the head of the station agent, who, he declared, must have known the train was coming, and with malice aforethought had withheld his knowledge and advised the boys to walk.

Miss Wallace and her aunt were on deck to welcome us. Sam and I exchanged rather sheepish glances. Nobody likes to be caught making a mountain out of a mole hill, and that was apparently what we had done. Our elaborate preparations to defend the map during the past half hour had been unnecessary. "Tide right, Mr. Mott?" Blythe asked. "All right, sir." "Then we'll start at once."

It seemed for some reason to be a day of leisure with the Chinese dwellers in Mott Street, which March had been advised to take first.

The meeting was held in the Church of the Puritans, May 12, 1864, and soul-stirring speeches were made by Phillips, Mrs. Rose, Lucretia Mott, George Thompson, Mrs. Stanton and Miss Anthony.