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Many motorists were planning to leave the next day, but some said they would stay and see if the Nixon race would amount to anything. "Let's accept the challenge," suggested Jerry. "I don't want to have anything to do with Noddy," objected Ned. "We don't have to," replied Bob, "I was talking to the clerk about it. All we have to do is register our names, and the name of the car.

They had met few people upon the road this morning and these, as on the day before, were farmers or those who worked for them, both men and women. The main line of traffic from Evreux, they had learned, lay some miles to their right, and it was over this road, a much harder one, that the motorists went if southward bound.

Christopher must have been chosen to fill the honourable position of patron saint for motors and motorists. "What's the price of that?" I asked, pointing to the coin. It was ten francs, a good deal more than I could afford, more than half my whole remaining fortune. "Could not madame make it a little cheaper?"

The public forests are steadily increasing in popularity as the playgrounds of the Nation. The woodlands offer splendid opportunities for camping, hunting, fishing and outdoor life. Millions of motorists now spend their vacations in the government and state forests. Railroads and automobiles make the forests accessible to all.

Only a minute later the Dixie swayed after the Chelton, then the final stretch was taken up in earnest. Spectators on the bank might wave now, but the motorists had no eyes for them. A slight miss in the Chelton's explosion brought Denny and Ed to their feet there should be no break in the rhythm of that chug. "She's all right," Ed called to the old sailor, "only too much oil."

Suddenly the car struck aside from the straightaway and with open cut-out roared up a steep hill by means of which a narrow road led off toward a part of the country not often selected by motorists for pleasure spins. Chester recognized that his companion had a purpose beyond that of "trying out" his engine, unless, indeed, the tough and rocky grade were a test.

We are two motorists travelling for our pleasure and collecting old saucepans if we feel so inclined." He called his chauffeur: "Adolphe, take us to the Parc des Landes by a roundabout road." Half an hour later they reached the sunken track and began to scramble down it on foot beside the wooded slopes.

This person was a diamond merchant in his business hours, and after the ladies had left us, he expressed the opinion that it was a good thing the Motor Pirate confined his attentions to fellow motorists.

She will not be wooed by cyclists, motorists, goggled motor-cyclists, and the rest: she is not like a modern young lady who, despite ideals, must marry, and will take men as they are found in her day and generation. The woman of the woods who dresses herself in flowers, and whose voice is as birds' songs, is the same yesterday, to-day, and to-morrow not new-fangled.

He stopped at the inn which made some pretension to furnishing entertainment to the motorists who found it on their route, and after a luncheon put up his car and walked to the village center to the post-office and grocery store. He had most hope of the latter as a bureau of information.