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In the northeastern corner of Castile, known as the Rioja, Basilio Garcia, agent for the Pope's bulls in the province of Soria a man destitute of military knowledge, and remarkable only for his repulsive exterior and cold-blooded ferocity collected and headed a small body of insurgents; whilst, in other districts of the same province, several battalions of the old Royalist volunteers a loose, ill-disciplined militia, as motely and unsoldierlike in appearance as they were unsteady and inefficient in the field ranged themselves under the orders of a general-officer named Cuevillas, and of the veteran Merino.

"I have warned her there may be lots of strange men around Crystal Bay." "But not the same strange men every time," Lottie put in. This gave a clue to her fright. The men who had secluded themselves under the Lonely Willow that morning had appeared again, this time in the vicinity of the girls' bungalow, now known as the "Motely Mote."

Thus a motely rhetorical tissue of real incident and downright fable is imposed upon the world, which each successive author continually improves into deeper falsehood.

There were a few rather overdressed persons from New Orleans brought up by Governor Warmouth, and a motely array of Southerners of every sort, who were ready to clutch at any straw that promised relief to intolerable conditions.

We are stopping at our own little bunk the Motely Mote on Pine Shade Way. And where do you put up?" Introductions followed, and girls from the Mote were plainly delighted to meet the others from a fashionable hotel. The meeting also resulted in a general invitation from the Cliff girls to the Motes to attend a hop to be given the next evening at the hotel.

There were a few rather overdressed persons from New Orleans brought up by Governor Warmouth, and a motely array of Southerners of every sort, who were ready to clutch at any straw that promised relief to intolerable conditions.