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He had eight horses and twelve cows, and he had oxen and heifers, and pigs and hens, and he had twenty-five sheep grazing on his moorland. As his birth and poverty had caused him to be scorned, so now his gains caused him to be respected. The preacher of Capel Dissenters in Morfa saluted him on the tramping road and in shop, and brought him down from the gallery to the Big Seat.

But the farmer had compassion on Abel and dealt with him kindly, and when Abel married he let him live in Tybach the mud-walled, straw-thatched, two-roomed house which is midway on the hill that goes down from Synod Inn into Morfa and he let him farm six acres of land.

Josi immediately asked leave of God to tell Bern-Davydd that which the man from Morfa had said. God gave him leave, wherefore Bern-Davydd, whose spirit waxed hot, answered: "Boy, boy, why for did you not kick the she cat on the backhead?" Then Josi said to his mother Mali: "A preacher will I be. Go will I at the finish of my servant term to the school for Grammar in Castellybryn."

He walked to Morfa and into his mother's cottage; his mother listened to him, then she took a stick and beat him until he could not rest nor move with ease. "Break him in like a frisky colt, little man bach," said Anna to the farmer. "Know you he is the son of Satan. Have I not told how the Bad Man came to me in my sound sleep and was naughty with me?"

Now the spell of Abel's mourning was one of ill-fortune for Deinol, the master of which was grown careless: hay rotted before it was gathered and corn before it was reaped; potatoes were smitten by a blight, a disease fell upon two cart-horses, and a heifer was drowned in the sea. Then the farmer felt embittered, and by day and night he drank himself drunk in the inns of Morfa.

He called to him his servant Lissi Workhouse, and her he told to take Gwen to Deinol. The cow lowed woefully as she was driven; she was heard even in Morfa, and many hurried to the road to witness her. Abel was at the going in of the close. "Well-well, Lissi Workhouse," he said, "what's doing then?" "'Go give the male his beast, mishtir talked." "Right for you are," said Abel.

"The basis of my solidity strength is as immovable is as impregnable as Birds' Rock in Morfa." Though the grandson of Simon Idiot and Dull Anna prophesied great things for himself, it was evil that came to him. He trembled from head to foot to ravish every comely woman on whom his ogling eyes dwelt.

Piece quite tidy of prayer"; and the men of the Big Seat cried: "Piece quite tidy of prayer." The quality of Josi's prayers gave much pleasure in Sion, and it was noised abroad even in Morfa, from whence a man journeyed, saying: "Break your hire with your master and be a servant in my farm. Wanting a prayer very bad do we in Capel Salem."

"But we must do more. I must do more. And you must help me. We must stand together. Slander never creates; it shackles and kills. We must be solid. Midway off the Cardigan coast in beautiful Morfa there is a rock Birds' Rock. As a boy I used to climb to the top of it, and watch the waters swirling and tumbling about it, and around it and against it. But I was unafraid.

Jini 'bakkare' has two sacks of flour to bake, and there's seven other women in Abersethin will bake the same quantity." "At Morfa," said Shanw, "they have killed a cow and a sheep; and the tongues, and fowls, and hams will fill every oven in the parish." Betto sniffed and tossed her head scornfully.