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And Ah says to my girls and the possé, says Ah: 'There'll be a lot of fools start off at night-fall, to hit this trail to the Slide just out of dern-fool curiosity to have a squint at Old Montresor's Mine. But human nature is human nature, girls, says Ah, so when they get that squint, they may forget one of the Ten Commandments and want to covet their neighbor's property.

Ever since Polly and I discovered Old Man Montresor's gold mine, you've been as mean as a bear with a sore head. Now stop it, or I'll I'll do something awful to you!" Eleanor was angry! And she looked daggers at her sister as she spoke, but she knew there was nothing she could do but patiently allow Barbara to say unkind words to others, as was her habit. Polly now spoke.

A year after I left, Montresor, who had foolishly entered into some speculations, lost all his fortune. In a fortnight after the event, Veronese society was electrified by the public announcement of Madame Montresor's first appearance in public as an opera-singer. I forget what her opening piece was.

They were happy days, for Mademoiselle was often at my side, and ever kind to me; so kind was she that presently, as my strength grew, there fell a great cloud athwart my happiness the thought that soon I must leave Canaples never to return there, leave Mademoiselle's presence never to come into it again. I was Monsieur de Montresor's prisoner.

So I would not be greatly surprised if we eventually learn that Kenneth Evans is really a son of Montresor's." "Oh, Mr. Brewster! Isn't that exactly what I said to you before, when you hushed me up!" declared Eleanor, delighted over her romantic vision.