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He was capable of justice, the defense which he made of Fanny Hafner to Montfanon proved it; of admiration, his respect for the noble qualities of that same Montfanon testify to it; of compassion, for without it he would not have apprehended at once with so much sympathy the result which the return of Count Gorka would have on the destiny of innocent Alba Steno.

Did they remain there a few seconds, fifteen minutes or longer? They could never tell, so greatly were they terrified. As Montfanon had anticipated, the conditions of the duel were terrible. For Pietrapertosa, who seemed to direct the combat, after having measured a space sufficiently long, of about fifty feet, was in the act of tracing in the centre two lines scarcely ten or twelve metres apart.

"You can rest very easy," said Montfanon to Florent. "How can one aim correctly when one tires one's arm in that way?" That had been the only allusion to the duel made between the three men during the journey, which had taken about an hour.

"One of my friends, Marquis de Montfanon, met him this morning." A fresh silence ensued between the two, during which Julien felt that the arm upon which he rested trembled. Then they joined the party, while Florent said aloud: "It is an excellent piece of painting, which has, unfortunately, been revarnished too much." "May I have done right!" thought Julien. "He understood me."

The speculation having miscarried, the place was neglected and unused, save under circumstances similar to those of this particular morning. "We have arrived last," said Montfanon, looking at his watch; "we are, however, five minutes ahead of time. Remember," he added in a low voice, turning to Florent, "to keep the body well in the background," these words being followed by other directions.

Hafner was acquitted and his adversaries condemned. You told me so the other day.... And then, you forget the conversation we just had." "Pardon," interrupted Florent, in his turn. "Monsieur de Montfanon, in promising to assist me, has done me a great honor, which I shall never forget.

Lydia would have liked to tear out their eyes, his as well as hers, and to trample them beneath her heel. A fresh flood of hatred filled her heart. God! how she hated them, and with what a powerless hatred! But her time would come; another need pressed sorely to prevent the meeting of the following day, to save her brother. To whom should she turn, however? To Dorsenne? To Montfanon?

The child is dead. We can not restore her to life, you in despairing, I in deploring. We should do better to look in the face our responsibility in that sinister adventure, to repent of it and to expiate it." "Our responsibility?" interrogated Julien. "I see mine, although I can truly not see yours." "Yours and mine," replied Montfanon.

Sebastien, near which was the catacomb and the humble dwelling contiguous to it the last morsel of the Papal domains kept by the poor monks. "Montfanon will have taken communion this morning," thought he, "and at the very word duel he will listen to nothing more. However, the matter must be arranged; it must be.... What would I not give to know the truth of the scene between Gorka and Florent?

We shall have to express our regret, leaving the field open to another reparation, if Gorka requires it.... And he will not require it. The entire problem now rests on the choice of his seconds.... Whom will he select?" "I have already received visits from them," said Florent. "Half an hour ago. One is Prince d'Ardea." "He is a gentleman," replied Montfanon.