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Madame is fatigued after a long journey, while I would ask nothing better than an armchair, a cup of coffee, a cigarette, and a chat; that is, if you can spare the time, Monsieur le Président." Nesimir would be charmed to comply with Monseigneur's desires in every respect.

He should be doing his lessons. Has the king provided him with a nurse?" "Yes," I replied, "he will find Marshal Tavannes a very capable nurse." "Oh, that is the way of it, eh? Faith, 'tis a good plan, for, see you, Edmond, if there be any glory 'twill go to Anjou, while Tavannes can take the discredit. A capital arrangement that is, from Monseigneur's point of view!"

The steward and two or three of his underlings were standing in the gateway, and saw me approach; and began to jeer. The high grey front of Monseigneur's hotel, three sides of a square, towered up behind them; the steward in the opening sprawled his feet apart and set his hands to his stout sides, and jeered at me. "Ha! ha! Here is the lame leper from the Cour des Miracles!" he cried.

But the Cardinal had disappeared with his young charge and Madame's speech was lost upon him. She had therefore to content herself with relating the story of "Monseigneur's foundling" to her husband, who just then came into the kitchen to take his breakfast before starting off to work in his market-garden. He listened with interest and attention.

'What! is not mademoiselle going to sit up? 'No, mademoiselle is poorly, and you will have to take her place. Poor girl, she is ill; I knew that would be the end of it, I told her so a hundred times; but it is always so. Young people won't believe those who are older; and then, it is her Father. So I took my knitting, said good night to Tobias, and went into monseigneur's room.

Marriage of His Daughter: His Manners and Appearance Monseigneur's Indigestion. The King Disturbed. The Ladies of the Halle. Quarrel of the King and His Brother. Mutual Reproaches. Monsieur's Confessors. A New Scene of Wrangling. He Is Seized with Apoplexy. The News Carried to Marly. How Received by the King. Death of Monsieur. Various Forms of Grief. The Duc de Chartres. The Dead Soon Forgotten.

"He is but trying to raise himself on the misfortunes of others." "Worse than that, monsieur. In my opinion it was he who caused the downfall of your house, for his own wicked ends. Your father's property was to be his reward for doing Monseigneur's dirty work." "It is likely enough," I replied, "but we can do nothing without the Admiral."

He declared that it would be better to act for themselves, and to keep Monseigneur's state secret, although it was hourly growing worse, and towards seven o'clock was perceived by several valets and courtiers.

Monseigneur gone, and the three strong men absolving themselves from the sin of having drawn his high wages, by being more than ready and willing to cut his throat on the altar of the dawning Republic one and indivisible of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death, Monseigneur's house had been first sequestrated, and then confiscated.

Tobias sat down after thus delivering himself of his sentiments, and with both elbows on the table, his eyes expanding with delight, he confided to us that just now he was a bachelor. "You don't mean that!" "Yes, Marie Anne is sitting up with Gertrude in monseigneur's ante-room." "Then you are in no hurry to go away?" "No, none at all. I should like to stay in your company."