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Delphine said with a look at Eugene, "so long as my father is with us, he monopolizes me. He will be rather in the way sometimes." Eugene had himself already felt certain twinges of jealousy, and could not blame this speech that contained the germ of all ingratitude. "And when will the rooms be ready?" asked Eugene, looking round. "We must all leave them this evening, I suppose."

The host or hostess who possesses sympathy and tact will surpass in dinner-giving the most brilliant person in the world who selfishly monopolizes conversation at his own table. If guests cannot go away from a dinner-table feeling better pleased with themselves, that campaign of hospitality has been a failure.

Parry's disparagement Anne was a splendidly handsome brunette "with a temper," added Mrs. McKail mentally, as she eyed the well-suited couple. Mrs. Parry's tongue still raged like a prairie fire. "And she knows he's engaged," she snorted. "Look at poor Daisy Kent out in the cold, while that woman monopolizes Ware! Ugh!" "Is Miss Kent engaged to Mr. Ware?"

When the fathers and mothers meet under the school roof as in their neighborhood house, and the children have their games, their clubs, and their dances there when the school, in short, takes the place in the life of the people in the crowded quarters which the saloon now monopolizes, there will no longer be a saloon question in politics; and that day the slum is beaten.

Elsewhere, ability, practice, art, artifice, many gifts and accomplishments may triumph, but the fifth element as indispensable as the others, air, water, fire and earth it is love, which legitimately monopolizes the theatre for its exhibition and glorification.