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Others only saw in it the Phrygian bonnet, a symbol of freedom for slaves. The bonnet rouge had from its first appearance been the subject of dispute and dissension amongst the Jacobins; the exaltés wore it, whilst the modérés yet abstained from adopting it.

From this moment, the most worthy citizens are proscribed; they are arrested in their beds, their papers are seized, their presses broken, and lists of the names of those proscribed are signed; the modérés sign these lists, and then display them.

The modérés of the two parties listened to them respectfully; like all half parties and half talents, they excited neither hatred nor anger; but events did not listen to them, but thrusting them aside, advanced towards results that were utterly absolute.

Then there was finally a third party which hoped for war, that of the constitutional modérés, which flattered itself that it would restore sound energy to the executive power, by the necessity of concentrating the military authority in the hands of the king at the moment when the nationality should be menaced.

Les moderes, de part et d'autre, comme vous le dites, semblent etre peu ecoutes, et cependant je suis persuade que leurs vues finiront par l'emporter des deux cotes du detroit, parce que, sous une surface agitee en apparence, aucune passion violente ne bouillonne dans l'une ou l'autre des deux nations.

How many of these persons knew the real purpose of the assemblage it is impossible to tell; but Moreau, Macdonald, and other generals of the first reputation, avowedly attached to the moderés, were in the number of those who attended, having, it is not to be doubted, received sufficient intimation that the crisis was at hand, though not of the manner in which Buonaparte designed it to terminate.

This may be taken as a specimen of the price of French amusements. THE order of the priesthood in France had suffered greatly in the revolution. They were everywhere scouted and reviled, either for being supporters of the throne, or for being rich, or for being moderès.

"I tremble for my country," said he; "the modérés are meditating the reform of the constitution already; and to place again in the king's hands the power the people have scarcely acquired. My mind is overwhelmed by these gloomy reflections, and I despond. I am ready to quit the post you have confided to me. Oh, my country, be but thou saved, and I shall breathe my last sigh in peace!"

En ce moment, il serait bien desirable, egalement en France et en Angleterre, de voir les moderes de nuances diverses se rapprocher, pour former un veritable parti conservateur: chez vous, anciens whigs et anciens tories; chez nous, les centres droits et les centres gauches.