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"Because," continued the woman, "missus says she thinks she shall be out this evening herself." "Where is she going?" "Missus didn't tell me, sir." He almost determined to go up stairs and call upon her to tell him what she was going to do, but he remembered that if he did it would surely make a row in the house.

He did not offer to help her. Etiquette of that sort was beyond his ken. "You oughter go out more and then you wouldn't find it so dull," he said, after she had placed the pots on the floor. "Go out! Where 'ud I go to, pray?" "Drop in an' see my missus again when you git time. You're always welcome." "Thanks, but I had plenty of goin' to see your missus last time." "How's that?"

I've spoke to my missus about it and she has noticed the same thing since she was a girl so it must be a peculiarity. The hens in this walley allus lays most when the price of eggs is lowest." This was a serious problem. It is not usual for Josiah to be serious, either, for he is generally out of breath or laughing.

"Dat little nigger ain't workin' a bit, missus," said Dinah to Mrs. Miller, as the latter entered the kitchen. "She's lying in the sun seasoning; she will work the better by and by," replied the mistress. "Dese white niggers always tink dey seff good as white folks," said the cook. "Yes; but we will teach them better, won't we, Dinah?" rejoined Mrs. Miller.

"Look here, missus, if I was on'y a private instead of being an officer I should say something, but as I am full corporal, why, I can't." "Just think you are a private, Joe, and say it," whispered his wife. "Shall I?" he said slowly. "Yes, Joe, dear, do. He's such a nice boy." "Ay, he is, missus." "And I love him a'ready."

I've chucked me job." "What's his name?" "Bowser." "Where did you get him?" "Blew in here one night las' month, purty nigh froze out of a job and hungry. De Missus got soft on him she's dat kind, ye know. Yer oughter seen him eat! Well, I guess! Been in a littingrapher's shop ye kin tell by his fingers. Say, Bowser, show de gentleman yer fingers."

The grandmother of a little girl who had died a few days before was very sick and in great distress of mind when I entered her cabin, she said imploringly, "O missus, do pray for poor me. Can God forgive sich an ole sinner as me? Can I fin' Jesus so quick as poor Mary Jane did afore she died? I knows she went so happy; I prayed all night, but 'pears like so dark; don't see de place o' de candle."

'Rough on 'is missus an' the kids. Six of 'em, weren't it? 'Aw, assented Jem. 'But she'll get suthin' from the Society funds. 'Not a ha'porth, said Beefy. 'You'll remem no, it was just arter you left. The trades unions decided no benefits would be paid out for them as 'listed. It was Ben Shrillett engineered that. 'E was Secretary an' Treasurer an' things o' other societies as well as ours.

The doctor ses, 'Yo've got no blude in yer, Missus 'Ammersley, what 'ull yer 'ave? An I says, 'Nuthin! it's sun cut, an it's sun cooked, nuthin! Noa, I've niver bin on t' parish an I might times. An I don't 'old wi strikes. Lor, it is a poor pleace, is ours ain't it? an nobbut a bit o' bread an drippin for supper."

But we've had enough o' this. I goes straight to Missus Mostyn and tells her all I know." "Mrs Mostyn is here, sir," said a sharp, stern voice, "and has heard all you have said." In the scene which followed, when the two men saw their mistress standing before them, that lady acted the part of judge. "I told the old man he might take the pear," she said to Daniel Barnett sternly.