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Wherefore, whilst ensuing the appointed theme, it hath occurred to me, dearest ladies, to show you, at the same time, that this is true, even as it is said; nor should it mislike you to hear it, so you may know how to keep yourselves from deceivers.

Desiring you hereafter neuer to mislike with me, for the taking in hande of any laudable and honest enterprise: for if through pleasure or idlenesse we purchase shame, the pleasure vanisheth, but the shame remaineth for euer. Wherefore in this behalfe, Mutare vel timere sperno.

"Yo talk differently fro' what yo did just now, mon," said the miller, regarding him narrowly and distrustfully. "An yo look differently too. There's a queer glimmer abowt your een that ey didna notice efore, and that ey mislike." The man laughed bitterly. "Leave off grinnin' or begone," cried Baldwyn, furiously.

'That he may be, the Queen smiled faintly, 'to them that have never crossed him. It has been my ill-destiny so to do. 'Madam, Katharine cried out, 'never man was so crossed, ill-served, evilly-led, or betrayed. Ye may not mislike him if at times he be petulant. I do the more praise him for it. 'Why, you do love him, the Queen said. 'I have no cause so to do.

Although the track was but a sandy path full of ruts and holes, the sound travelled clearly through the still night air. Whoever these new travellers were, they were coming along at a brisk pace, and Cuthbert drew rein to look behind him. "There be horsemen coming this way!" he said. "Ay, verily there be; and moreover I mislike their looks.

I would reply to their witticisms in the language of Portia's Prince of Morocco: Mislike me not for my complexion The shadowed livery of the burning sun. One of the stories told me in my childhood by an old negro nurse, was of a poverty stricken little girl "who slept on the floor and was covered with the door," and she once asked "Mamma how do poor folks get along who haven't any door?"

Yet I do amiss to mislike shooting too much, which hath been hitherto my best friend, and even now looking back to the pleasure which I found in it, and perceiving small repentence to follow after it, by Plato's judgment I may think well of it.

Yet I will speak for fear you should think worse of me than I deserve. This man has some cause to mislike me, since to be frank, when I was younger than I am to-day and given to the follies of youth, it chanced that in England I met his mother, a beautiful Spanish lady who by ill fortune was wedded to an Englishman, this man's father and a clown of clowns, who maltreated her.

"It is good enough; otherwise I might have put in a word. This Jefan has the name for an honest man, as I have ever heard." "The one thing about it that I mislike is that we seem to be running away from hearsay," I said. "Mighty little hearsay was that which set Sighard flying across the border, I take it," Erling answered.

Whenas my censors speak of him, I cavil at their word, Feigning as if I did mislike the mention of the wight; Yea, and I hearken, when they speak of other than of him, Though for the thought of him, nathelesse, I am consumed outright. Prophet of beauty, all in him 's a very miracle Of grace, and greatest of them all his face's splendid sight.