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Laqueur's case continued of this character for six years, under the use of miotics, and then was cured by iridectomy, the cure remaining permanent with normal vision until his death after 30 years.

There was at the start pain, slight dilatation of the pupil, and slight general hyperemia of the globe. The tension of the eyeball rose to 60 mm., that of the fellow eye being 20 mm. Under miotics the tension fell at first but slightly. It was 55 mm. at the end of a week; but after two weeks came down to normal, 20 mm.

It is probable that the secretion from the glandular zone of the ciliary body is increased. On subsidence of the congestion, as after miotics or iridectomy, the tissues may return to very nearly a normal condition. The iris recedes from contact with the ligamentum pectinatum and cornea and the filtration angle is again open.

It is in such cases that the success of the operation is increased by the addition of posterior sclerotomy and the intelligent use of miotics prior to the performance of the iridectomy. Even then the permanent results of the iridectomy will be modified in proportion to the success secured in freeing the filtration angle and opening Schlemm's canal by thorough removal of the root of the iris.