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"No, no," said Lucy, sticking them in her band, "you shall not have my scissors again, you have strained them already. Now don't set Minny growling again. Sit up and behave properly, and then I will tell you some news." "What is that?" said Stephen, throwing himself back and hanging his right arm over the corner of his chair.

Delancey seized Minny by the arm, and pushed her on before him, until he reached an upper balcony, near the sleeping apartments of the domestics. "Now, girl, down with you." "No, sir; if you lash me, let me stand and bear it like a human being, not like a dog, with my face to the dust." "Down with you, or I will knock you down! You shall take it, as would any other slave."

"Don't be tiresome, Minny. Deceitful! oh, that's awful you know I never was deceitful." "No, no! There, don't cry! Call it secresy or anything; but when it is discovered, I say, think what a house of misery this will be." "Well, Minny, if there's misery it won't be my fault, I'm sure. You know very well that papa wouldn't have me notice Bernard, much more than I would Black Voltaire.

Minny, I think they called you who is the happy father ov my little darlin'?" "I'm Minny Whelan," gently answered the little girl; upon which Nanny shrunk hastily back, and a fearful change overspread her features. "Minny Whelan! you the proctor's daughter? Those smiling lips those tinder, soft eyes that rich yellow hair an' that warm an' feelin' heart, Minny Whelan's.

Still, I was not rid of him: when at length they compelled me to depart, and I had got some hundred yards off the premises, he suddenly issued from the shadow of the road-side, and checked Minny and took hold of me. "Miss Catherine, I'm ill grieved," he began, "but it's rayther too bad " 'I gave him a cut with my whip, thinking perhaps he would murder me.

"Ye are a bonny like man," said Meg, "to tak' yer minny to speak for ye before the session. Man, I wonder at ye. I wonder ye didna bring her to coort for ye?" "War ye ever afore the Session, Meg?" "Me afore the session ye're a fule man, but ye dinna ken what yer sayin' gin I thocht ye did "

Lawrence, who sat quietly at the head of the sofa. "Do you think," he asked wistfully of the clergyman, "that I ever see these two again where I go?" The minister Heaven bless him! answered stoutly that he had not a doubt of it. "All right, then," said the Panther, quietly. "Now, mamma, you see red fox know, after all." Minny brought her baby for him to kiss.

"Oh, Miss Della, she would never consent to your seeing him alone in the world. I'm certain she won't; and there is scarcely any use of asking her." "Do as I tell you, Minny dear." Minny went out. Since the evening of the party, the General had been very assiduous in his attentions; waiting upon Mrs.

"I'll tell your dada, and see what he'll say, if you call the meat tallow; and you're just as bad, Joe; worse if anything gracious me, here's waste! well, I'll lock it up for you, and you shall both of you eat it to-morrow, before you have a bit of anything else." Then followed a desperate fit of coughing. "My poor Minny!" said the mother, "you're just as bad as ever.

Anybody ought to know that much." But the new arrivals hooted. "Fish!" Ramsey vociferated. "I'll bet a hundred dollars there hasn't been even a minny in this creek for the last sixty years!" "There is, too!" said Heinie, bitterly. "But I wouldn't be surprised there wouldn't be no longer if you got to keep up this noise. If you'd shut up just a minute you could see yourself there's fish here."