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Here, in a strip about thirty miles long and six miles wide on an average, an enormous quantity of petroleum is produced. This oil is slightly lower in quality and contains considerable asphalt. The mid-continent field lies in Kansas and Oklahoma. This petroleum also contains asphalt and other chemical products.

You didn't mean to, but you did, and ... it's terrible!" "Me kill somebody? That's ridiculous!" protested Hoddan. "They found him outside the powerhouse," said Derec bitterly. "Outside the Mid-Continent station that you " "Mid-Continent? Oh!" Hoddan was relieved. It was amazing how much he was relieved.

Around Myra's name clung the perfume and moonlight of summer evenings in the far-off mid-continent village where he was born, while Violet recalled the music, the comfort, and the security of a beautiful Eastern home. Neither of these sweet and lovely girls had won his heart completely.

After a rather dispiriting dinner in the deserted Mid-Continent café, and some plowing of the field of recollection in Kent's rooms in the Farquhar Building, they took the deserted street in the golden twilight to walk to the railway station. "It was a decent thing for you to do stopping over a train with me, Grantham," said the host, when the five squares intervening had been half measured.

He shared my tent and mess, a most welcome addition to the few who sat at my table, and beguiled many a weary hour at night, after our tedious marches through the apparently interminable sand dunes and barren stretches of our monotonous route, with his tales of that period, more than half a century ago, when our mid-continent region was as little known as the topography of the planet Mars.

Derec was also the character who'd conscientiously told the cops on Hoddan, when they found his power-receptor sneaked into a Mid-Continent station and a stray corpse coincidentally outside. He opened the boatport and stood in the opening. Derec had been a guest anyhow an inhabitant of Don Loris' castle for a good long while, now. Hoddan wondered if he considered his quarters cozy.

"He'll do. 'Phone him to run down to the station and get what telegrams there are for me, and we'll talk as we go." Once free of the Court House, Kent began a rapid-fire of questions. "Where is Judge MacFarlane stopping?" "At the Mid-Continent." "Have you any idea when he intends leaving town?" "No; but he will probably take the first train.

Late that same night, Stephen Hawk was keeping a rather discomforting vigil with a visitor in the best suite of rooms the Mid-Continent Hotel in Gaston afforded.

Such subsistence was a necessity, too, for their mountainous range belongs to that arid portion of our mid-continent area where, without irrigation, it is doomed to a hopeless bondage of sterility. Millions of buffalo and antelope roamed the plains, and in the forest-fringed valleys and on the pine-clad divides, elk, deer, and mountain sheep flocked in immense numbers.

The hardships of these pioneers in the beginning of a trade which in a short time assumed gigantic proportions are a story of suffering and privation which has few parallels in the history of the development of our mid-continent region.