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He has made negatives of bullets nearly a foot wide. Every detail appears very distinctly and it can be decided with absolute certainty whether a certain bullet or cartridge was fired by a certain revolver." He had picked up one of the microphotographs and was looking at it attentively through a small glass.

He continued to look at the various pieces of paper under the microscope. "I find under microscopic examination," he went on, addressing Inez, but not looking up from the eye-piece as he shifted the papers, "that the note you have received, Senorita Mendoza, is written on a rather uncommon linen bond paper. Later I shall take a number of microphotographs of it.

He was busily engaged in testing something through his powerful microscopes and had a large number of curious microphotographs spread out on the table. As I watched him, apparently there was nothing but the blood-stained gauze bandage which had been fastened to the face of the strange, light-haired woman, and on the stains on this bandage he was concentrating his attention.

I picked it up and it occurred to me to try a little experiment with these blood- stains which might show something." He paused a moment and fingered some of the microphotographs. "What would you say," he went on, "if I should tell you that a pronounced blonde, with a fair complexion and thin, almost hooked, nose, was in reality a negress?"

Quickly, under the bright light, Craig drew Clendenin's pistol, fitted a cartridge into it and fired at the wall. Again into the second gun he fitted another and a second shot rang out. Out of his pocket came next the small magnifying glass and two unmounted microphotographs. He bent down over the exploded shells.

The rest of the day he spent in making microphotographs of the phonograph cylinder and studying them very attentively under his high-powered lens. Toward the close of the afternoon the first report of Miss Kendall, who had been "trailing" Mrs. Ogleby, came in.

On making microphotographs of firing pins or hammers, with special reference to the rounded ends and also photographs of the corresponding rounded depressions in the primers fired by them it is forced on any one that cartridges fired by each individual rifle or pistol can positively be identified.

It looked like an enlarged photograph of an orange, or like some of the pictures which the astronomers make of the nearer planets. "What are these?" I asked curiously, as he leaned back from his work, with a smile of quiet satisfaction. "That is a collection of microphotographs which I have gathered," he answered, adding, "as well as some that I have just made.

They are all similar. I have here also about a hundred microphotographs of the fibres in other kinds of paper, many of them bonds. These I have accumulated from time to time in my study of the subject. None of them, as you see, shows fibres resembling this one in question, so we may conclude that it is of uncommon quality.