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And in addition to his zeal he carried into the struggle his exceptional ability, a knowledge of government and of people. He had need for all of his rare skill now. It had been an easy matter to carry forcibly the Princess Sira to his palace in Hanlon. Tolto was safely out of the way; Mellie had been dismissed. As for the other palace servants, they had been silenced with bribery or the stiletto.

The strangest part of all to Hester was that Mellie, who never appeared to notice what took place, was first to grasp the situation. Before the week had passed, she made an occasion to join Hester on the campus.

"My shoes are muddy; my skirt is shabby; I am hungry so hungry that I'll fairly snatch at anything to eat. I look like a fright, I know I do. But what's the use of thinking about it. It can't be helped. So why not pretend that we do not notice it?" "We must make up for our looks by being so nice that Mrs. Vail will not notice that we are not immaculate." It was Mellie who offered this suggestion.

"Well, that comes later. First I must consider the war conspiracy. Have you heard of it?" "There are rumors." "They are true. Will Wasil help me?" "He has worshiped you, my princess, ever since the time I let him help me serve you at the games." "One more question." Sira's eyes were soft and misty. "My dear Mellie, you realize that I may be trailed here? What may happen to you?"