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"Keyse, sir Corporal, A Company, Gueldersdorp Town Guard." "Well, Keyse, you've heard Meisje hiccoughing ninety-four-pound projectiles all the morning, haven't you?" "Couldn't possibly miss 'er, sir" the pale eyes twinkled as the Corporal finished "not as long as she misses me." "She has a talent for missing, otherwise a good many of us fellows would have heard the Long Call before now.

The Dutch translated the name on their charts where a Meisje Eylandt may be seen; but, instead of the girls that they expected to see the island peopled with, they found it overrun by beautiful creatures, it is true, but, alas! of the small wallaby kind, peculiar to the outlying islands of Western Australia.

The excess of brilliancy which must not stream from the windows had been boarded in, and a tarpaulin was drawn over the skylight, in case the gunners of Meisje should be tempted to rouse the monster from her Sabbath quiet, and send in a ninety-four-pound shell to break up an orgy of godless Englanders. But the stuffiness made it all the snugger.

The General Orders announced an issue of paper currency in small amounts, owing to the deplorable shortage of silver, congratulated those N.C.O.'s and men of the Baraland Irregulars who, under Lieutenant Byass, occupying the advanced Nordenfeldt position, had brought so effective a fire to bear upon the enemy's big gun that Meisje had been compelled to abandon her commanding position, and take up her quarters in a spot less advantageous, from the enemy's point of view.

Little brown rolls with at one end a copper cap and at the other a bullet. And gunpowder you have that seen also?" She quavered. "Yes; but you don't want me to touch the narsty, dreadful stuff, do you, Walty deer?" He scoffed. "Afraid of gunpowder, Meisje, that like a whey-blooded Engelschwoman is.