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The society, in the same year, anxious that the conduct of its members should be consistent with its public profession on this great subject, recommended it to the quarterly and monthly meetings to inquire through their respective districts, whether any, bearing its name, were in any way concerned in the traffic, and to deal with such, and to report the success of their labours in the ensuing year.

John Yeardley suffered much in this day's journey. He had two meetings in the Protestant meeting-house at Brusa: Both, says Jules Paradon, took place after the usual service, which was expressly made short. The hearers, to the number of about 120, were impressed and interested to hear and see our dear friend come from so far to visit them in the love of the gospel.

There was nothing more said that day. I have heard some of the most telling and heart-searching addresses at Quaker meetings. On this occasion there was no attempt there could be none from a plain people like this to tickle the ear with well-turned periods or rhetorical display.

"One must just follow certain general rules and then add whatever seems appropriate to give one's special camp originality and character. I had been hoping to form a club in the village this summer, but of course if we can carry out Betty's idea and spend our summer together in the woods, why we will learn in a few months what it might have taken us years to find out in weekly meetings in town."

This species is a kind of genteel tract on a large scale, intended as a sort of medicinal sweetmeat for Low Church young ladies; an Evangelical substitute for the fashionable novel, as the May Meetings are a substitute for the Opera.

Carlyle of these events, the president of the Association of his supporters who had nothing on which to congratulate themselves save that only the benches of the rooms in which they held their meetings had been riotously broken, received the following previously unpublished letter: Chelsea, 16th December 1854.

These clandestine meetings had been going on for two months, ever since the day they had just happened to meet below the firs. It never occurred to Mary Isabel that the doctor meant anything but friendship; and if it had occurred to the doctor, he did not think there would be much use in saying so. Mary Isabel was too hopelessly under Louisa's thumb.

Catt spoke at a mass meeting in the Academy of Music in March, 1913, at which Miss Eliza H. Lord of Washington, D. C., presided and Senator William E. Borah of Idaho was a guest. Other Sunday afternoon meetings were held in Ford's, Albaugh's, the Garden and the New Theaters with well known speakers. Baltimore clergymen assisting at these meetings, besides those already mentioned, were the Rev. Dr.

Sometimes feuds, originating in such or similar causes, were maintained for years by neighbours living with only a 9-inch party wall between them, and daily meetings outside, to the extent of not even "passing the time of day."

She was planning with her new friend, so she told Milly when she did get out to the flat, a serious campaign that promised to be immensely exciting, nothing less than a series of drawing-room meetings in some western cities, especially Chicago, where "Society" had shown a lamentable indifference hitherto to the Cause.