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"Say, ever have a cross-eyed cat?" "Comrade Maude's cats," said Smith, "have happily been almost entirely free from strabismus." "Dey's lucky, cross-eyed cats is. You has a cross-eyed cat, and not'in' don't never go wrong. But, say, was dere ever a cat wit' one blue and one yaller one in your bunch? Gee! it's fierce when it's like dat. It's a skidoo, is a cat wit' one blue eye and one yaller one.

Now, if ever I have a study of my own, this is what I want engraved upon the wall. This alone is well worth our pilgrimage to Chelsea. It was a short exclamation which had caught his eye. 'Rest! Rest! Shall I not have all eternity to rest in! That serene plaster face down yonder gave force to the brave words. Frank copied them down onto the back of one of Maude's cards.

She's had a good time waitin', but I'll make amends by seein' to her dinner myself," and spite of Maude's endeavors to keep her back she followed on into the disorderly kitchen, from which Nellie had disappeared, and where old Hannah sat smoking her pipe as leisurely as if on the table there were not piles of unwashed dishes, to say nothing of the unswept floor and dirty hearth.

"Yes," said Louis, "I heard her once when she was asleep, though I ought not to have mentioned it," he continued, suddenly recollecting himself, "for when I told her, she blushed so red, and bade me not to tell." "Take me to her, will you?" said Mr. De Vere, and following his guide he was soon opposite the door of Maude's room.

"Matthew," demanded his sister, "why did he want to go fighting with all those people?" "Because he was dotty," supplied Moreton, who had an interesting habit of picking up slang. "It wasn't at all," cried Matthew, indignantly, interrupting Maude's rebuke of his brother. "What was it, then?" Moreton demanded.

Aunt Emma found that Ruby was quite contented to stay with Maude, so she went back upstairs, where she still had some little things to do, and Mrs. Birkenbaum finished unpacking Maude's things, for she had to go away that afternoon, and wanted to unpack Maude's trunk before she left. Ruby and Maude walked up and down the porch for a time and then they went down upon the lawn.

'Yes I will, Jerrie replied, scarcely able to keep back her tears, when she saw how cramped and irregular the handwriting was, so unlike Maude's, and realized more and more how weak and sick was the little girl whose eyes followed her everywhere and always grew brighter and softer when she was talking to her of Harold.

Paret as tall; Maude was up to my chin: again, the hair of the fortunate lady was to be dark, and Maude's was golden red: my ideal had esprit, lightness of touch, the faculty of seizing just the aspect of a subject that delighted me, and a knowledge of the world; Maude was simple, direct, and in a word provincial.

"I cannot take thee, my child!" was the reply, spoken in a tone so grave that it was almost sad. "If thou wouldst go, it is Another must bear thee thither." "The Lady Custance?" inquired Maude, glancing at her. "The Lord Jesus Christ." Agnes mechanically crossed herself. Maude's memory ran far back.

I remember Maude's naive delight when we inspected it. "You'd never guess what the inside was like, would you, Hugh?" she cried. From the panelled box of an entrance hall one went up a few steps to a drawing-room which had a bowed recess like an oriel, and window-seats. There was a "den" for me, and an octagonal reception-room on the corner.