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For seven months this procession passed the town but never halted, till the people of St. Marys felt like the farmer who, in mid field, waves a friendly hand to a speeding train. As a result folk knew each other to a degree which some would call insufferably well, and yet they did not weary. It was a curious condition in which life had few secrets and yet an ample privacy.

The yacht squadron was ranging alongside of the "Two Marys," forming a port and starboard line, with the Commodore off the weather bow.

She took them to Paris to study, devoted herself entirely to their welfare, and died in Paris in 1839. <b>SCHLEH, ANNA.</b> Born in Berlin, 1833. Her principal studies were made in her native city under Schrader, although she went to Rome in 1868, and finally took up her residence there. She had, previous to her work in Rome, painted "The Marys at the Grave."

The first pictures you see to your left are by the early masters of Spain, Morales, called in Spain the Divine, whose works are now extremely rare, the Museum possessing only three or four, long, fleshless faces and stiff figures of Christs and Marys, and Juan de Juanes, the founder of the Valentian school, who brought back from Italy the lessons of Raphael's studio, that firmness of design and brilliancy of color, and whose genuine merit has survived all vicissitudes of changing taste.

"And it's almost too much for me now the Passion, the Agony, the Crime and the Night too much for me and clay. It would be, if it were not for the glowing Marys. They're for us, Beth " "That's sweet of you, Vina.... It won't be too much. You're in the reaction now. After that passes you will do the 'Stations' as they have never been done.

Two Marys were amongst his earliest converts. Mary Matthews, of Madeley Wood, went to hear him with the mind of the Pharisee, but she left his presence with the heart of the publican.

Credit ran out and the work stopped and things began to rust, and now St. Marys has gone to sleep again and does a little farming and trade with the Indians." "In fact, it's a sort of rural tragedy?" "Yes. You'll see the half-finished ditch just before we cross the bridge. I'm afraid St. Marys has that kind of a sick feeling that generally knocks the stuffing out of a municipality.

"Just why, may I ask?" "Well, I have a feeling you'll spoil St. Marys. It's just right as it is. We haven't much excitement and I reckon we don't want it. We're comfortable, so why can't you let us alone? I like the life as it is." "You'll live faster after we get going," chuckled Wimperley. "Perhaps, but we won't live so long.

Manson glowered at him with quick suspicion. "What's that?" "Your left hand knows what your right hand doeth every time, at least it's so in St. Marys. You're too big to get under a bushel basket. Every one saw that you were dabbling in real estate for years, and made a good clean up, but you seemed so darned ashamed of it that no one cared to discuss it with you.

He had not, however, remained long in this position, when a sharp sea struck the "Two Marys," causing her to lurch to starboard, and prostrating old Battle broadside upon the deck.