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Sit at your fireside, old man, or go far out to sea if you like it better, and if bad news be for you it will find you out, do be sure of that." The next day it did find them out. The St. Penfer News, published on Thursday, which was market-day, contained the following item: "On Monday night the daughter of John Penelles, fisher, ran off with Mr. Roland Tresham.

Naomi had plucked three fowls and trussed them, and wrapping each in a white napkin, had packed them in her basket with a dozen and a half of eggs, a few pats of butter, and a nosegay or two of garden-flowers Sweet Williams, marigolds, and heart's-ease: for it was market-day at Tregarrick.

All these villages were very lively, as the omnibus drove in; and I rather imagine it was market-day in each of them, there being quite a bustle of Welsh people. The old women came round the omnibus courtesying and intimating their willingness to receive alms, witch-like women, such as one sees in pictures or reads of in romances, and very unlike anything feminine in America.

You might see better, it seemed to me, at a country inn stable on any market-day. The kitchens are the most sublime part of the Seraglio. There are nine of these great halls, for all ranks, from His Highness downwards, where many hecatombs are roasted daily, according to the accounts, and where cooking goes on with a savage Homeric grandeur.

The square in the old French town was alive with market carts, which lumbered noisily over the cobble stones, while around the pavements, stalls and barrows did a roaring trade. It was market-day, and the hot summer sun shone down on the busy crowds.

While there was yet an hour or two to wane before the autumn sunset, the loiterer outside town-gate and drawbridge, and postern and double-ditch, would see the last white-hooded cart lessening in the avenue of lengthening shadows of trees, or the last country boat, paddled by the last market-woman on her way home, showing black upon the reddening, long, low, narrow dike between him and the mill; and as the paddle-parted scum and weed closed over the boat's track, he might be comfortably sure that its sluggish rest would be troubled no more until next market-day.

Then, in the middle of a narrative, which enchained both his hearers, he suddenly looked at his watch, and putting on a fictitious look of dismay and annoyance, started up with many excuses and went home not, however, till Susan had made him promise to come again next market-day. As he rode home in the moonlight Susan's face seemed still before him.

Heavens, if she should suddenly perceive him, and stop short or scream! He moved behind a pillar, where he could observe unseen. Peter Spyk was singing: "To-morrow will be market-day, The streets all thronged with lasses gay; And from a crowd so great, no doubt, Sweethearts enough I may pick out. In verity, verity, verity aye," etc And then Gertrude, in a mocking voice, coquettishly sang,

Huddersfield market-day was still the great period for events at Roe Head.

But the three held on their way to Whitwall, and it was barely noon when they came to the gate thereof on a Saturday of latter May, It was a market-day, and the streets were thronged, and they looked on the folk and were fain of them, since they seemed to them to be something more than aliens.