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"But God does know; let that be enough!" spoke Clarke, with the quick lighting of his clear blue eyes which gave him such power over his hearers. He and Garret were men of markedly contrasted types the one all fire, restlessness, energy; the other calm, contemplative, intensely spiritual.

This mother, like her father when he was drunk, was markedly cruel and given to blows, characteristics, which according to our patient, sometimes almost deprived her of her senses and in her anger bordered upon frenzy. The patient herself had been as the youngest child the spoiled darling of both parents and until her seventh year had been taken by them into their bed in the morning to play.

"Of a truth he hath improved markedly," agreed Peggy. "I fear me that we shall have to change our tactics, Sally." "'Tis not that he hath lost his diffidence, girls, but the reaction from fear of danger to us hath rendered him light-hearted," declared the lad's mother. "He is so relieved that 'tis easy to jest." And this was the case with them all. So merrily the journey proceeded.

But the passages which had been written for the light high soprano of Madame Carvalho were poorly adapted for a dramatic soprano. They concluded, therefore, that I didn't know how to write vocal music. In spite of everything the work was markedly successful, the natural result of a splendid performance in which two stars Melchissedech and Mlle.

Others were distracted when the wind held for days together while they were outward bound, lest it might never blow the other way in North America, and so they would not be able to get back home. The ships, too, often gave as much trouble as the men. They were far better supplied with sails and accommodation than the earlier Viking ships had been; but their hulls were markedly inferior.

She wanted, above all, not to arouse Chauvelin's suspicions by markedly refusing to visit the prisoner again suspicions that might lead to her being searched once more and the precious packet filched from her.

However, when once the need for concealment of her true feelings was over Anna's manner to Ephraim changed so markedly that Ephraim often stopped to wonder if the woman he had married could possibly be the one who had led him such a life before. Love can work miracles, Ephraim found, and came to the conclusion that whether she was the same or not he was quite content.

How markedly the coffee-houses of London were differentiated from each other by the opening of the eighteenth century is nowhere more clearly demonstrated than in Steele's first issue of the Tatler.

William Penn from that hour was a markedly religious man. Thereafter, nothing was so manifest or eminent about him as his religion. On the 22d of April, 1661, we get another glimpse of William. Mr Pepys, having risen early on the morning of that day, and put on his velvet coat, and made himself, as he says, as fine as he could, repaired to Mr.

These remarks were so markedly addressed to Jack, that no one but himself could venture to reply, and his self-will was so much ruffled by the deliberate ignoring of his expressed determination that he was instantly aflame with wrath.