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De Fin, v. 5; Lucullus, 22, 43. Sext. Emp. Pyrrh. Hyp. i. 33. Acad. Quæst. i. 4; de Nat. Deor. i. 7. Lucullus, 20; see also de Nat. Deor. i. 7; de Fin. i. 5. "Nobis autem nostra Academia magnam licentiam dat, ut, quodcunque maximè probabile occurrat, id nostro jure liceat defendere." De Off. iii. 4. See also Tusc. Quæst. iv. 4, v. 29; de Invent. ii. 3. De Legg. i. 13. Tusc.

Magnam occasionem certamque rationem emendandae Europae nobis attulit celeberrima Angloram per Cronium mare nauigatio: quae littora Septentrionalia Finlappie Moscouiaeque iuxta coeli situm, mundique plagas digesta habet.

Martial has a pretty Epigram on this Subject: Crine ruber, niger ore, brevis pede, lumine loesus: Rem magnam proestas, Zoile, si bonus es. Thy Beard and Head are of a diff'rent Dye; Short of one Foot, distorted in an Eye: With all these Tokens of a Knave compleat, Should'st thou be honest, thou'rt a dev'lish Cheat.

Therefore Jan Huss was brought before a tribunal of Christian judges, condemned to death and burnt to ashes, ad magnam Dei gloriam, as the Bishop of Lodi preached on that occasion. The fact was that the Council of Constance was a great innovator, and that Huss stood for the true catholicity of old.

The minor offenders were variously sentenced, according to the extent of their guilt, flogging with the stick being followed by penal colonization or military service in distant garrisons. It is said that the priest Sierosiuski while undergoing his punishment recited in a clear voice the Latin prayer, "Misere mei, Deus, secundum magnam misericordium tuam."

-quocum bene saepe libenter Mensam sermonesque suos rerumque suarum Congeriem partit, magnam cum lassus diei Partem fuisset de summis rebus regundis Consilio indu foro lato sanctoque senatu: Cui res audacter magnas parvasque iocumque Eloqueretur, cuncta simul malaque et bona dictu Evomeret, si qui vellet, tutoque locaret.

When BOSSUET had to compose a funeral oration, he was accustomed to retire for several days to his study, to ruminate over the pages of Homer; and when asked the reason of this habit, he exclaimed, in these lines magnam mihi mentem, animumque Delius inspiret Vates. It is on the same principle of predisposing the mind, that many have first generated their feelings by the symphonies of music.

Quintus Cobilacan, qui etiam fuit Christianus, et regnauit 42. annis, et aedificauit magnam ciuitatem Iong, maiorem satis vrbe Roma, in qua et continetur valde nobile palatium Imperiale. Hinc vsque hodie omnes successores paganismo foedantur.

Fainter grew the slow breath, and the voice of the monk rolled through the silence, like the tremolo swell of an organ: "Delicta juventutis, et ignorantias ejus, quoesumus, ne memineris, Domine; sed secundum magnam misericordiam tuam memor esto illius in gloria claritatis tuoe."

Montucla, Histoire de Math. i. 596, gives a full account of Ferrari's process. In the De Vita Propria, Cardan dismisses the matter briefly: "Ex hoc ad artem magnam, quam collegi, dum Jo. Colla certaret nobiscum, et Tartalea,