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'A man, says he, 'can live f'r months on a little booze taken fr'm time to time, he says 'They'se a gr-reat dale iv nourishment in it, he says. An' I believe him, f'r manny's th' man I know that don't think iv eatin' whin he can get a dhrink. I wondher if the time will iver come whin ye'll see a man sneakin' out iv th' fam'ly enthrance iv a lunch-room hurridly bitin' a clove!

The noon after his first venture he ate in a little lunch-room with Charley Moore and, watching him unspread the paper, waited for a remark about the hold-up of the day before. But either the hold-up was not mentioned or Charley wasn't interested.

At Hanau we changed cars and had a few minutes to wait, and our guards walked up and down with us. The station was crowded with people, and the lunch-tables were crowded, although it was getting late in the evening. At Friedberg we had an hour's wait, and we saw the same thing. Beer-drinking and eating was going on in a big lunch-room, but the patrons were ninety per cent men.

Waiting, be it observed, for a chance to curl up in a seat in the day-coach, when the train came along. But Rose didn't mind this very much. The rooms assigned to her and her roommate were fully as comfortable as the one she had lived in on Clark Street, and the meals, as a whole, were rather better than those her habitual lunch-room had provided.

But a tar used to the rigging and sech don't take kindly to labor on land, so instead of working for other people, I up and started the Watch Below." "What is it a boarding-house?" "Not exactly, though we do occasionally take a fellow in. It's a temperance lunch-room for sailors, with regular first-class ship grub; lobscouse, plum-duff and sech.

"Oh, I didn't mean to call you a scoundrel! Nor yet to say that you struck me as mannish. Of course " "Oh, you make me sick!" cried Terry. And she flashed away from him, going into the lunch-room. He followed her with speculative eyes. Then he glanced across the street. Blenham had dismounted in front of the Ace of Diamonds and was watching. As Packard turned Blenham went into Hodges's saloon.

Mildred noticed the expression that passed over her master's face. It quickly disappeared, and he said, 'Will you take Miss Lawson to the refreshment room, Miss Laurence? You're going there I suppose. 'Yes, I'm going to the lunch-room, and shall be very glad to show Miss Lawson the way. And, in company with quite a number of students, they walked through the galleries.

Susan agreed too, after a hesitation she did not really understand in herself. What pleasanter prospect could anyone have? While they were loitering over their luncheon, in the shaded, delightful coolness of the lunch-room, suddenly Dolly Ripley, over- dressed, gay and talkative as always, came up to their table. She greeted the others negligently, but showed a certain enthusiasm for Susan.

"But can't you see the advantages of all those extra letters on your note-paper when you write home?" "Besides, it's a very good hotel, I've been told," said his wife, affably. It was a very good hotel, and there was a lunch-room half-way up the main flight of stairs at the right as you enter, which I remember with peculiar pleasure.

For hours before the parade started I sat on the curbing of the side-walk with a prominent society woman on one side, and a plain little farmer's wife from up state on the other. We talked, and laughed, and ate sandwiches together that I bought in a grimy lunch-room. When finally the parade started, and I, mounted on Mrs.