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Why must you stare so fool-like; here is no witchcraft, for in the caves yonder 'Joan' meeteth me at every turn; 'tis carven on walls, on chairs, on table, together with 'Damaris' and many woful, lovesick mottoes beside." Now I, knowing this for truth, turned my back and ground my teeth in impotent anger, whiles this woman mocked me with her laughter. "Damaris Joan!" said she.

What if Zeal-for-Truth had never strung two rhymes together in his life? Did not his heart go for inspiration to a loftier Helicon when it whispered to itself, 'My love, my dove, my undefiled, is but one, than if he had filled pages with sonnets about Venuses and Cupids, lovesick shepherds and cruel nymphs?

Benedict Young People's Guild, the sight of the coveted Miss Aphrodite whirling in the arms of the hated Raffin almost overcame him. Finally the lovesick Mr. Travis decided to call upon the lady of his heart and demand an explanation. After some rehearsal of what he wanted to say, Ambrose betook himself to the tenement in which the Tate family dwelt.

Presently Tex came in, warbling like a lovesick crow: "I'll cir-cle high 's if pass-in' by, Then vol-lup bank-an' la-a-and " "So will this la-and," Johnny said viciously and threw one of his new riding boots straight at the warbler. "For gosh sake, lay off that stuff!"

In every corner sighed lovesick couples, as they waited for the wished approach of twilight; and on every side did strains of vocal and instrumental music pour their harmony on the enchanted ear. Abellino mingled with the crowd.

"So they've taken you into the conspiracy, have they? Going to frighten me into the straight and narrow, eh? Suppose I tell them that I'm lovesick? That there's only one cure for me in the world, and that's you?" The ready retort with which she had learned to parry these personalities was not forthcoming.

Isaiah looked chagrined and disappointed. Visitors from the far West were rare and especially rare was a young gentleman who Mr. Chase, with what Captain Shadrach termed his "lovesick imagination," surmised was Mary-'Gusta's beau. He wished to see more of him. "Aw, say, Mary-'Gusta," he pleaded, "I'm awful busy. I don't see how I can set along of Zoeth Say, Mary'Gusta!" But Mary had gone.

A pretty thing it would be, to be sure, if, after saving your life, we should allow you to fling it away because you are as melancholy as a lovesick maiden!" "Doctor," cried Eugene, flushing. "choose your words more carefully!" "Good, good," returned the doctor, with an approving nod. "You have some spirit left, I perceive, and if you would but see one or two of your most intimate friends "

He had not moved away from the rostrum all the while that the throng of obsequious sycophants and idle lovesick youths had crowded round Dea Flavia. Now he spoke over his shoulder at Hun Rhavas, who had no thought, whilst his comfortable little plot was succeeding so well, that the praefect was paying heed.

"No, sir," replied the pale-faced youth, fidgeting. "Mental malady eh?" The young man sighed. "See it all. Don't say a word, man! Cupid, heart from heart, forced to part. Flinty-hearted father?" "No, sir." "Flinty-hearted mother?" "No, sir." "Flinty-hearted aunt?" The lovesick young man sighed, and nodded assent. "Tell me the story. I'm a stranger but my heart is here, sir."