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Oh thou, who blam'st my flight from Hind and Zaynab, * The cause is clear as dawn uplighting air! Now when Princess Budur saw him, she was seized by a transport of passion and yearning and love-longing, And Shahrazad per ceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say. When it was the One Hundred and Eighty-fifth Night,

When Shemsennehar heard this, she swooned away once more, which when the Khalif saw, he came to her in haste and commanded the wine-service to be removed and each damsel to return to her chamber. He abode with her the rest of the night, and when it was day, he sent for physicians and men of art and bade them medicine her, knowing not that her sickness arose from passion and love-longing.

Therefore, be thou chaste, shame-full, and mild of heart, and with love-longing yearn for Him above all things. And when GOD withdraws this heavenly likeness and sweetness from thee, as sometimes need be in this deadly life, give not thyself to fleshly lusts and likings of the world; but to prayer and meditation, reading of Holy Writ, or honest work.

Indeed, we were confounded in this matter by thy behaviour"; and the Princess said, "O my nurse, know thou that if any ever died of passion, I shall do so, and behold, I look for nothing but death on the spot by reason of the fire of my love-longing."

O daughter of my uncle, say to him who chides at love, That I, by Allah, am distraught with love-longing for thee. And he said to his mother, "I can dwell no longer in my aunt's house nor among these people, but will go forth and abide in the corners of the city."

Between him and Alister it was a cable; between him and his mother a harpstring; in the one case it was a muscle, in the other a nerve. The one retained, the other drew him. Given to roaming as he was, again and again he returned, from pure love-longing, to what he always felt as the PROTECTION of his mother.

Question the nights of me, and they will testify to thee That I in all their endless hours do nought but weep and wait. Wakeful for love-longing and grief, I lie and watch the stars All night, what while upon my cheeks the tears fall down like hail. Lowly and helpless I abide, for such as lovers be Have, as it were, nor kith nor kin to help them in their bale.