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"I said as much to the governor: 'It's loutishness, your Excellency, I said." "I won't argue any more," cried Nikitin. "It's unending. . . . Enough! Ach, get away, you nasty dog!" he cried to Som, who laid his head and paw on his knee. "Rrr . . . nga-nga-nga!" came from under the table. "Admit that you are wrong!" cried Varya. "Own up!"

England is mainly sound; our movement is chiefly to the good; but this senseless pampering of loutishness in high and low places is a bad symptom which tends to such consequences as can be understood only by those who have learned to know the secret places.

The handsome points of the face came out; its coarseness and loutishness receded. And his manner became suddenly quiet and manly though full of an almost tremulous eagerness. "You like it?" she asked him. "What music? I should think so." "Oh! I forgot you're all musical in these northern parts, aren't you?" He made no answer, but sat down to the piano and opened it.

Young men of our day are beginning to think it childish or tedious to mix much in women's society; the consequence is that, though many of them go a long way toward being gentlemen, too many are the merest cubs that ever exhibited pure loutishness in conversation.

After listening to him, Shelestov thought a little and said: "I am very grateful for the honour you do me and my daughter, but let me speak to you as a friend. I will speak to you, not as a father, but as one gentleman to another. Tell me, why do you want to be married so young? Only peasants are married so young, and that, of course, is loutishness. But why should you?