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"There's a coffee-shop in Great Russell Street where you can get your breakfasts." "Lookye here, master," growled Ike in an ill-humoured voice, "ain't I been to market afore?" "I shall leave him in your charge, Ike, and expect you to take care of him." "Oh, all right, master!" said Ike, and then the old gentleman gave me a nod and walked away. "At last, Ike!" I cried. "Hurrah!

"Very well, James," said Lady Danby, in an ill-used tone of voice. "You are master here, and we must obey." The day of the invitation arrived. Dexter was to be at Sir James's in time for lunch, and directly after breakfast he watched his opportunity and followed Helen into the drawing-room. "I say," he said; "I can't go there, can I?" "Why not?" said Helen. "Lookye here."

"But lookye here, messmates, what's a leg or two? Gone in the sarvice o' the King and country, I says. Here am I, two-and-thirty, with ninepence a day as long as I live, as good a man as ever I was good man and true. Who says I arn't?" "Nobody here, Tom, old mate," cried the big fisherman, giving the sailor a hearty slap on the shoulder.

"Had enough of you at home." "Don't you be sarcy," growled Mike Bannock; "and lookye here, these gentlemen friends of mine!" he nodded sidewise at the two fierce-looking desperadoes at his side "is very nice in their way, but they won't stand no fooling. Lookye here. How was it you come?" "In a ship of war," said Don. "Ho! Then where's that ship o' war now?" "I don't know."

And just you lookye here, if I ketches you sneaking arter and watching me again, I'll give you something as'll make that other side o' your face look swelled." Tom involuntarily raised his hand to a tender spot on his right cheek, left from his encounter with his cousin, and the lad grinned. "No, not that side, t'other," said the fellow. "Now then, just you hook it. You 'ain't no business here."

"I don't know when you went out with the carriage, and when you didn't," said Dan'l; "all I know is as my lawn didn't get swept; and how the doctor expects a garden like this here to be kept tidy without help, I should be glad to know." "Well, you'd better go and grumble at him, and not worry me, and pst! Lookye there."

It was in a shallow muddy sea, and three or four of us was trying to make out the trees ashore, and wondering whether there would be any chance of our getting some fresh fruit and vegetables before long; when, all at once, one of my mates claps his hand on my shoulder, and he says `Lookye yonder, mate. `Why, it's the sea-sarpent! says another. `Well, that is a rum un, says another.

"Lookye here, sir," whispered the coxswain, who seemed to ignore his wound; "I don't want to show no white feathers, nor to holler afore I'm hurt, but if I was you, I should ask Mr Brooke to run straight for the nearest shore say one o' them islands there, afore the storm comes; you arn't got no idea what one o' them tycoons is like.

"Here, I'm not going to " "Hush, Jem. You'll be heard," whispered Don. "Yes, but lookye here." There was no time to say more. The first lieutenant of the ship, with a middy, Bosun Jones, and about twenty men came marching up, to find a group of Ngati's men seated in a close circle, their blankets spread about them and their heads bent forward, grunting together, and not so much as looking round.

"I don't want to fight indeed, Bob." "Yes, you do; you keep egging of me on, and saying disagreeable things as would have made some chaps give you one for yourself ever so long ago. Lookye here, only one on us can be captain in this here boat, and it is going to be either me or you.