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This species, as we know, allures insects by a peculiar sweet exudation within the orifice; they fall in and perish, though seldom by drowning, yet few are able to escape; and their decomposing remains accumulate in the narrow bottom of the vessel. Two other long-tubed species of the Southern States are similar in these respects.

This very fine Cactus is a native of Bolivia, whence it was introduced in 1850. When in flower, the broad, long-tubed, pale-coloured blossoms equal in beauty those of the Night-flowering Cereus. It blossoms in July.

The flattened, wavy or curled ridges of this species are characteristic of several other kinds of Echinocactus. Its long, stout, ferocious-looking spines, directed upwards, have a very forbidding aspect. The stem grows to a height of about 8 in., and is said to produce its large, long-tubed, purple flowers in the summer months.

Flowers on the sides of the stems, rather low down, long-tubed; large, showy; tube 6 in. long, smooth, fleshy, with a few scales near the top, and a whorl of greenish, strap-shaped, pointed sepals, the petals spreading, with toothed margins and a long acute point, white or cream-coloured; anthers yellow. A native of various parts of South America and the West Indies, but always close to the sea.