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No slumber gloomed darkly in those broad, sad eyes; no dream indefinably softened the lips, whose patient outline breathed only wakefulness and expectation, a long-deferred, yet constant expectation, a hope that would have been despair, save that it was just within hope's limits, a monotonous, reiterate, indestructible chord in the creature's mystic existence, that, once struck by some mighty, shrouded Hand of Power, still reverberated, and trailed its still renewing echoes through every fibre of its secret habitation.

All made arrangements for their speedy departure from Hanwell, though many in that heart-sick tone which spoke of long-deferred hope hope never perhaps to be realized. Most painful sight of all, there was one little girl there, a child of eleven or twelve years a child in a lunatic asylum!

I was not by any means so sure of that, and I saw how his hankering after the vague things yet to come of those long-deferred hopes cast a shade on Ada's face. But I thought it best to encourage him in any project of continuous exertion, and only advised him to be quite sure that his mind was made up now. "My dear Minerva," said Richard, "I am as steady as you are.

Ruy Gomez was disposed to prevent, if possible, the armed mission of Alva, and he now openly counselled the King to fulfil his long-deferred promise, and to make his appearance in person before his rebellious subjects. The jealousy and hatred which existed between the Prince and the Duke between the man of peace and the man of wrath were constantly exploding, even in the presence of the King.

We here observe how, on the terrible day of long-deferred vengeance, when subjects at length break forth and strike such of their princes as have not deserved the blow, everything is distorted and converted into crime.

Should the pending negotiations, unfortunately and unexpectedly, be without result, it will then become my duty to communicate that fact to Congress and invite its action on the subject. The long-deferred peace conference between Spain and the allied South American Republics has been inaugurated in Washington under the auspices of the United States.

John listened with varying emotions, struggling heroically to maintain his gravity as he heard of the realization of the long-cherished, long-deferred dream of Mrs. Hudgers. "And we took in thirty-seven cents," she said in breathless excitement, as she handed him the contents of the pie tin.

'I don't follow you, replied the discreet voice from beneath the veil. He did actually turn this time and glance steadily over his shoulder. 'How long are you going for? and where? 'I proposed to go to my cousin's, Bettie Lovat's; that is, of course, if you have no objection. It's near; it will be a long-deferred visit; and she need know very little.

Not until 1857, through the intervention of A. von Humboldt, did he receive permission to resume his residence in the capital. Then, with his friend, the Countess, he settled down once more to the realization of his youthful dreams, and the long-deferred career was taken up in earnest. Lassalle's career as a scholar and man of learning was short, but productive.

They were both pleased with it, and left at about ten p.m. It was most fortunate that they did not remain much longer, for at eleven an explosion, caused by a dynamite bomb, wrecked the room in which they had dined, and wounded several people. A long-deferred meeting with Mr.