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It was added that the servants had all threatened to leave in a body, and that Sir Austin to appease them had promised to pull down the entire left wing, like a gentleman; for no decent creature, said Lobourne, could consent to live in a haunted house. Rumour for the nonce had a stronger spice of truth than usual.

Speed-the-Plough volunteered information that Bursley was a good three mile from where they stood, and a good eight mile from Lobourne. "I'll give you half-a-crown for that loaf, my good fellow," said Richard to the tinker. "It's a bargain;" quoth the tinker, "eh, missus?" His cat replied by humping her back at the dog.

Rustic Lobourne hinted broadly at a young woman in the case, and, moreover, told a tale of how these fellow- threshers had, in noble rivalry, one day turned upon each other to see which of the two threshed the best; whereof the Bantam still bore marks, and malice, it was said.

Alarm dislodged anger from his jealous heart, and dread of evil put a thousand questions to him that were answered in air. After pacing up and down his room he determined to go and ask the boy Thompson, as he called Ripton, what was known to him. The chamber assigned to Master Ripton Thompson was at the northern extremity of the passage, and overlooked Lobourne and the valley to the West.

And all the time the star of these festivities was receding further and further, and eclipsing himself with his reluctant serf Ripton, who kept asking what they were to do and where they were going, and how late it was in the day, and suggesting that the lads of Lobourne would be calling out for them, and Sir Austin requiring their presence, without getting any attention paid to his misery or remonstrances.

He hurried out, closed the chamber, and came upon little Clare lying senseless along the door. In the morning that followed this night, great gossip was interchanged between Raynham and Lobourne.

Austin grasped his hand, and together they issued out of Daphne's Bower, in the direction of Lobourne. Farmer Blaize was not so astonished at the visit of Richard Feverel as that young gentleman expected him to be.

Tom went back, and Raynham and Lobourne slept and dreamed not of the morrow. The System, wedded to Time, slept, and knew not how he had been outraged anticipated by seven pregnant seasons. For Time had heard the hero swear to that legalizing instrument, and had also registered an oath. Ah me! venerable Hebrew Time! he is unforgiving.

Doria, and of the probable despair of the hapless curate of Lobourne; and other gossip, partly in French. They rounded the lake, and got upon the road through the park to Lobourne. The moon had risen. The atmosphere was warm and pleasant. "Quite a lover's night," said Lady Blandish. "And I, who have none to love pity me!" The wise youth attempted a sigh.

With these sage directions the young leader marched his companion-culprit down to inspect the jail where Tom Bakewell lay groaning over the results of the super-mundane conflict, and the victim of it that he was. In Lobourne Austin Wentworth had the reputation of the poor man's friend; a title he earned more largely ere he went to the reward God alone can give to that supreme virtue.