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"And wilt thou not run over to Farmer Withely's and ask Mistress Withely for the loan of a covered basket of good size, Ruth," she suggested, and Ruth willingly obeyed. The Withely farmhouse was at the further side of a broad field, and hidden by a small grove of pine trees.

With this money and with money of his own he would make the final payment on the lot and would begin the building itself, paying his labour on the nail, but getting his material, lumber, brick and fittings on time. When the building was half-way up he would negotiate a second loan from the banks in order to complete it and in order to meet the notes he had given to his contractors for material.

He had a most bedizened college fraternity pin, which he was forever lending to the girls. During his first year in town, Miss Larrabee told us, at least a dozen girls had worn the thing. Wherefore she used to call it the Amidon Loan Exhibit. He introduced golf into our town, and was able to find six men to join his fifteen young ladies in the ancient sport.

"Lady," said he, "I will follow him yet, with thy permission; and at last he will come to some inhabited place, where I may have arms either as a loan or for a pledge, so that I may encounter the knight." "Go," said she, "and do not attack him until thou hast good arms, and I shall be very anxious concerning thee, until I hear tidings of thee."

Egerton's brow contracted slightly. "And Mr. Levy was there, eh?" "Yes the baron." "Baron! true. Come to plague me about the Mexican loan, I suppose. I will keep you no longer." Randal, much meditating, left the house, and re-entered his hack cab. The baron was admitted to the statesman's presence.

But this was not the only hardship of which the nation thought they had reason to complain. Those who had refused or delayed the loan, were sure to be loaded with a great number of these dangerous and disorderly guests. The soldiers, ill paid and undisciplined, committed many crimes and outrages, and much increased the public discontents.

For a time, it is true, the national glory reconciled the subject to these burdens, and the sums exacted, seemed but as a loan placed at interest, in the fortunate hand of Gustavus Adolphus, to be richly repaid by the grateful monarch at the conclusion of a glorious peace. But with the king's death this hope vanished, and the deluded people now loudly demanded relief from their burdens.

He said that he would come round in the evening and have a look at it. "This," I said to Eliza, "is very satisfactory." "It would make a nice little present to send to mother," Eliza observed. There I could not entirely agree with her. I pointed out that in a week's time I should probably be applying to her mother for a small temporary loan.

Munroe's agreeing to accept the money as a loan. The notes were drawn up and signed by the poor man, whose heart was filled to overflowing with gratitude at this unexpected relief. "Now you will let Paul come with us won't you, Mr. Munroe?" asked Tony.

When he had finished, however, he said, "And now, sir, being a poor man, with a large family, and work bein' rather slack this year, if ye could oblige me with the loan of a dollar and your address, until remittances what I'm expecting come in from Chicago, you'll be doin' me a great service," etc., etc.