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It was indeed a city, with nineteen out of every twenty houses lifted out of it, and vineyards established in their places; and all the houses had an old-fashioned look, for almost without exception they antedated the Mormon exodus. The Livelies were set down in a street where the sand was over the instep, before a stiff, graceless brick building, standing close up in one corner of an acre lot.

Dis yer Primus wuz de livelies' han' on de place, alluz a-dancin', en drinkin', en runnin' roun', en singin', en pickin' de banjo; 'cep'n' once in a w'ile, w'en he 'd 'low he wa'n't treated right 'bout sump'n ernudder, he'd git so sulky en stubborn dat de w'ite folks could n' ha'dly do nuffin wid 'im.

"'The only people, he answered. "Anywhere else, under any other conditions, I might have suspected a treacherous intention in two men with such hanging countenances as this lonely brace owned; but what could I imagine to be afraid of aboard a brig holding two persons only, with the whaler's boat and three men within a few strokes of the oar, and the old barque, Swan, full of livelies, many of them deadly in the art of casting the harpoon, within easy hail?

Among others Long Jim, or as the doctor afterwards called him Lacedaemonian Jim, rose in his place, and addressed the forecastle parliament in the following strain: "Look ye, Britons! if after what's happened, this here craft goes to sea with us, we are no men; and that's the way to say it. Speak the word, my livelies, and I'll pilot her in. I've been to Tahiti before and I can do it."

In front was a walled sewer, through which the town on the hill was drained, for the Livelies' new home was on "the Flat," as the lower town is called. The view from the front took in only a dreary hillside covered with decaying cornstalks.

After losing a few lines, I copied literally into my note-book: "Ye see dem boat way dah ahead. Chorus. Oahoiohieu. De San Charles is arter 'em, dey mus' go behine. Oahoiohieu. So stir up dah, my livelies, stir her up. Oahoiohieu. Dey's burnin' not'n but fat and rosum. Oahoiohieu. Oh, we is gwine up de Red River, oh! Oahoiohieu. Oh, we mus' part from you dah asho'. Oahoiohieu.

All the starboard watch ran away last night, and the skipper's ashore kitching 'em." "And it's shipping yer after, my jewels, is it?" cried a curly-pated little Belfast sailor, coming up to us, "thin arrah! my livelies, jist be after sailing ashore in a jiffy: the divil of a skipper will carry yees both to sea, whether or no.