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I don't suppose any of us would scramble or push to get in the Pugh family, but Mr. Corbin says young Pugh is one of the finest young men in town, and he thinks Lily is lucky to get him. Of course, Mr. Corbin's opinion is just a man's, but Lily's best friend couldn't think she had any more sense than she needed, and she's the kind that fades before thirty.

I've got more solid satisfaction out of lookin' at it than I ever hev out o' my bank book. An," he concluded warmly, "Lily's goin' ter feel jest that way about these yere sollytaires." What followed immediately afterwards is county history. Uncle Jap decided to borrow money to develop his bonanza.

"When you say half-way, you mean all the way, Lily." "I wanted you so," Lily said, drearily, "I need you so just now. I am going to be married, and I have no one to go to. Aunt Elinor doesn't understand, either. Every way I look I find I suppose I can't come back at all, then." "Your grandfather's condition was that you never see this Louis Akers again." Lily's resentment left her.

"Ay," said the vicar, "it is your own way to Cromwell Lodge." The path led them through the churchyard as the nearest approach to the brook-side. The moonbeams shimmered through the yew-trees and rested on the old tomb; playing, as it were, round the flowers which Lily's hand had that day dropped upon its stone. She was walking beside Kenelm, the elder two a few paces in front.

I am so thirsty, Bell; do give me my tea;" and she sat herself down at the breakfast-table. Lily's tea was given to her, and she drank it. Beyond that I cannot say that any of them partook with much heartiness of the meal. They sat there, as they would have sat if no terrible thunderbolt had fallen among them, and no word further was spoken about Crosbie and his conduct.

The colour burned in Lily's face as he ended; there was no mistaking the point he meant to make, and to permit it to pass unheeded was a fatal confession of weakness, while to resent it too openly was to risk offending him at a perilous moment. Indignation quivered on her lip; but it was quelled by the secret voice which warned her that she must not quarrel with him.

"I don't know why they should come away; but I can't believe the squire is turning them out; at any rate not for that reason." The squire was prepared to advocate John's suit, and therefore John was bound to do battle on the squire's behalf. "He is a very stern man," said Mrs Eames, "and they say that since that affair of poor Lily's he has been more cross than ever with them.

In my mind he's the finest fellow I ever saw. What's Mr Apollo Crosbie to him? And now, as it makes you unhappy, I'll never say another word about him." As Bell wished her sister good-night with perhaps more than her usual affection, it was evident that Lily's words and eager tone had in some way pleased her, in spite of their opposition to the request which she had made.

He felt the tug of Lily's weight only just long enough to be sure that she was there, and then the fastenings gave way, and she slipped through! The empty garment swam up to him on the edge of a new wave, which clapped it over his face like a gigantic plaster. Oh, this was dreadful!

It soothed the girl to attend to small duties, and she was washing and wiping Elinor's small stock of fine china when the bell rang. "Mr. Denslow is calling," said Jennie. "I didn't know if you'd see him, so I said I didn't know if you were in." Lily's surprise at Pink's visit was increased when she saw him.