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"Dunchuach! Dunchuach!" he said; "far have I wandered, and many a town I've seen, and many a prospect that was fine, and I have made songs to maids and mountains, and foreign castles too, but never a verse to Dunchuach. I do not know the words, but at my heart is lilting the very tune, and the spirit of it is here at my breast."

Round and through these wagon-trains, in a swirl of dust, rumbled and swayed big motor-trucks, and once or twice, scattering everything with a lilting "Ta-te... Ta-da" the gray motor, the flash of scarlet, pale blue, and gold, and the bronzed, begoggled, imperial visage of some one high in command.

But now, even as he went, slow and ever slower, he lifted heavy head and turned about, for above the leafy stirrings rose the mournful lilting of a pipe, clear and very sweet, that drew nearer and louder until it was, of a sudden, drowned in a cry hoarse and woeful.

"Manuel does exactly as he is told. I said he was to get the best he could find " "And so no vaquero in the valley will be so gorgeous " She broke off suddenly to sing in lilting Spanish a fragment of some old song that told of the lilies of the field that "Toil not, neither do they spin." "That is not kind. I may not spin, but I toil I leave it to Dade if I don't."

From a trail leading down into the valley from the east a shepherd dog, running eagerly, broke through the waving grass, paused a second looking back expectantly, sniffed and ran on. Then a sound from over the ridge through the trees, the sound of singing, a young voice lilting wordlessly in enraptured gladness that life was so bright this morning.

Then I wrested the revolver from her. It had been a trumpet note, and a cavalry guidon and a rank of bobbing figures had come galloping, galloping over an imperceptible swell. She cried to me, from my feet. "You didn't do it! You didn't do it!" "We're saved," I blatted. "Hurrah! We're saved! The soldiers are here." Again the trumpet pealed, lilting silvery. She tottered up, clinging to me.

"How many people get a gift from a *fully* enlightened guru?" I wondered. "Don't just stare at it," my brother reproved, explaining that oranges were poor retainers of Spiritual Light. "Eat it!" Moments later, the Guru announced in a lilting voice, "Atmananda, pleeeez bring." Atmananda led the five or six potential initiates to the front of the chapel.

The minority of men present was made up of honest, clean, commonplace citizens who were there for a good dinner in surroundings that offered a certain stimulus to the imagination. "Who are they all?" asked Joan, beating time with a finger to the lilting tune which the little band had just begun, with obvious enjoyment.

The air was keen, tingling in throat and nostrils. "...the wise man knows As his road he goes That the best of life's gifts is wine," came again the lilting chorus from the tower. It was the only sound that disturbed the silence the silence of a world. "A night for regrets, Captain, yet one to speed ambition," said Grigosie. "Yours has been too short to accumulate regrets."

The writer confesses that he would rather pursue a bright, lilting bird or butterfly than a bounding tennis-ball or football, and he finds the chase every whit as exciting and the knowledge gained of more permanent value; and he says this without in anywise intending to discountenance healthful games and athletic exercises, but simply to express a preference.