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Antony answers gravely: It is shaped, sir, like itself, and it is as broad as it hath breadth; it is just so high as it is, and moves with its own organs: it lives by that which nourisheth it; and the elements once out of it, it transmigrates. Lepidus: What color is it of? Antony: Of its own color, too.

During his contests with Octavius and Lepidus, after Caesar's death, he once had occasion to pass the Alps, which, with his customary recklessness, he attempted to traverse without any proper supplies of stores or means of transportation. He was reduced, on the passage, together with the troops under his command, to the most extreme destitution and distress.

Pompey, therefore, was not long in suspense which way to dispose of himself, but joining with the nobility, was presently appointed general of the army against Lepidus, who had already raised up war in great part of Italy, and held Cisalpine Gaul in subjection with an army under Brutus.

It must have distressed him sorely at this time as he reflected how much eulogy he had wasted. To be sneered at by the boy when he came back to Rome to assume the Consulship, and to be told, with a laugh, that he had been a little late in his welcome! And to hear that the boy had decreed his death in conjunction with Antony and Lepidus!

'It is supper time, said the epicure; 'you, Glaucus and Lepidus, come and sup with me. 'Recollect you are all three engaged to my house next week, cried Diomed, who was mightily proud of the acquaintance of men of fashion. 'Ah, ah! we recollect, said Sallust; 'the seat of memory, my Diomed, is certainly in the stomach.

The graceful Lepidus, who rarely spoke for fear of disturbing his features, ejaculated 'Hercle! The parasite Clodius muttered 'AEdepol! and the sixth banqueter, who was the umbra of Clodius, and whose duty it was to echo his richer friend, when he could not praise him the parasite of a parasite muttered also 'AEdepol!

It was natural that, after such an occurrence, the cities of new burgesses which had not yet passed over should continue their resistance with the utmost obstinacy. In the Latin town of Norba for instance, when Aemilius Lepidus got into it by treason, the citizens killed each other and set fire themselves to their town, solely in order to deprive their executioners of vengeance and of booty.

For to you, O Lepidus, as to your ancestors, your country has given an army to be employed in her cause. With this army you are to repel the enemy, you are to extend the boundaries of the empire, you are to obey the senate and people of Rome, if by any chance they direct you to some other object.

But who is Ione? 'Ah! you have but just come to Pompeii, or you would deserve ostracism for your ignorance, said Lepidus, conceitedly; 'not to know Ione, is not to know the chief charm of our city. 'She is of the most rare beauty, said Pansa; 'and what a voice! 'She can feed only on nightingales' tongues, said Clodius. 'Nightingales' tongues! beautiful thought! sighed the umbra.

He remained quiet, pretending that the necessity was a favor to himself. In this way Lepidus took charge of both provinces. Meanwhile he fell in love with Cleopatra, whom he had seen in Cilicia, and no longer gave a thought to honor but was a slave of the fair Egyptian and tarried to enjoy her love.