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Laws-a-massy, Massa Dick, can't he live till after supper?" The Colonel nodded, carefully avoiding the old man's troubled eyes, and went to join his wife at supper. "Christmas Eve, my dear," he announced cheerfully as he bent to kiss the sweet, wistful face that turned to greet him. "I beg your pardon for keeping you waiting.

I expec' ter live in town with eddicated folks, ez be looked up ter, an' respected by all, an' kin make money, an' hev a sure-enough house." Her ambitious eyes swept the shadowy gables down the street. He broke out laughing; his voice was softer; his face relaxed. "Laws-a-massy! Dosia," he exclaimed, "yer head's plumb turned by one day's roamin' round town.

An'," with a sudden resolution of effecting a diversion "afore it is e-ended I want ter git a peep through that thar thing they call a tellingscope, ef they let women folks look through it." He was instantly intent. "Laws-a-massy, yes!" he exclaimed. "I seen Mis' Dr. Kane and Mis' Jedge Peters, an' thar darters, an' a whole passel o' women folks over thar one night las' week.

Dogs added to it by yelping emotionally when the smell of the newly fried meat tempted them too near the platter and some one with a disengaged foot at his disposal would kick them out of doors. Personalities were exchanged more freely by members of the family, and the meat hissed harder as it was newly turned. "Laws-a-massy!" muttered Mrs.

I hearn a awful tale over yander 'mongst them Jenkins folks. Ye oughter hev married Luke Todd, an' so I tole ye an' fairly beset ye ter do ten year ago. He keered fur ye. An' Tobe shucks! Wa'al, laws-a-massy, child! I hearn a awful tale 'bout Tobe up yander at Jenkinses'." Eugenia colored. "Folks hed better take keer how they talk 'bout Tobe," she said, with a touch of pride.

"Laws-a-massy! chile, the polls is jes' closed, an' all the country deestric's ter be hearn from. We won't know till ter-morrer till late ter-night, nohow." Theodosia leaned against the gate. How could she wait! How could she endure the suspense!

Oh, I'll answer fur him" she too had risen; her hand trembled on the back of the chair, but her face was scornfully smiling "he don't mind the money; he'll never git you-uns fined ter pay back the gredge. He don't take his wrath out on folkses' wallets; he grips thar throats, or teches the trigger o' his rifle. Laws-a-massy! takin' out yer gredge that-a-way!

"Laws-a-massy!" she exclaimed weakly, "what is it?" "It's a lettuh, ma'm," answered the boy, whose expanding nostrils had caught a pleasant odor from the kitchen, and who was therefore in no hurry to go away. "Who's it fur?" she asked. "It's fuh you, ma'm," replied the lad.

Eat one o' ol' Missus's orchards! Laws-a-massy, Job, yoh goes mos' too far. Now, sah, yoh be quiet and listen to dis note I gets from young Massa Dick," and he carefully deciphered the written lines for the listening Job. Dear Uncle Noah: I have written Foster and Company as usual to send Mother's orchids. They should get there Christmas Eve. Will you put them at her plate in the morning?

Then reverting to his own absorption. "War it you-uns ez I hearn say thar war word kem ter the crossroads 'bout some revenuers raid in' 'round some-whar in the woods?" The look of surprise cast upon him seemed to his alert anxiety to betoken suspicion. "Laws-a-massy, naw!" exclaimed his interlocutor.