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"You are no gentleman, Mr. Riley, to speak to a lady like that," she said, severely. "You may go now." "Will ye be th' good gurl if I lave ye by yersel'?" "How do I know if it's all out of me?" "Shure, it oughter be," he declared, in despair. "Will ye thry?" "Certainly, I'll try." Patricia was demureness itself.

But, for a' that, dinna think that I want ye to draw up wi' him; for I wouldna hae ye to gie ony encouragement to anither man on earth, as lang as Andrew Sharp pays mair respect to you than the lave. But only tak my advice neither rin awa when ye see Duncan coming, nor seem to notice his attentions when he comes, and he'll soon bestow them on some ither body."

Micawber was obliged, in great trepidation, to run down to the water-butt in the backyard, and draw a basinful to lave her brow with. She presently revived, however, and was really pleased to see me.

This was all they could gain from her. "Don't thrubble the poor young lady," interposed old Peter, compassionately. "Sure, the heart's put acrass in her wid the fright. Lave her be till mornin'." There seemed nothing else to be done, so Polly was left in charge of her mother and sister, while the men, headed by Dick, who carried a lantern, set out to examine the grounds.

"Has the curate been kind to you?" "Sir, only for him and the big boys I couldn't stay in the school, on account of the master's cruelty, particularly since my money was out." "You are better now are you not?" said the other gentleman. "Thank God, sir! oh, thanks be to the Almighty, I am! I expect to be able to lave this place to-day or to-morrow."

'Vayther'll be at the crooked post, tother zide o' telling-house.* Her coodn't lave 'ouze by raison of the Chirstmas bakkon comin' on, and zome o' the cider welted. * The 'telling-houses' on the moor are rude cots where the shepherds meet to 'tell' their sheep at the end of the pasturing season.

I see her, an' I think I hear her voice on the top of Lisbane, ringin' sweetly across the valley of the Mountain Wather, as I often did. An' is it to take me away now from all this? Oh! no, childre', the white-haired grandfather couldn't go. He couldn't lave the ould places the ould places. If he did, he'd die he'd die. Oh, don't, for God's sake, Tom, as you love me!"

But you know yourself, that you brought me on from time to time undher your promise, that nothing would ever lead you to lave me in sorrow an' disappointment. Still, I say, that But, Denis, is it thrue that you could lave me for anything?"

"Indade, I don't mane it, me boy. Lave it to me. If he comes ashore, faith, we'll out-gineral him, sure." Next day there came letters for the runaways. Terrence's father, being wealthy and influential, had gone to Baltimore, interceded with the faculty and had the runaway scapegraces retained.

Why, holding obstinately to the opinions of the world, which hardens itself in order that it may be thought strong, do we reject, as it rejects, souls bleeding at wounds by which, like a sick man's bad blood, the evil of their past may be healed, if only a friendly hand is stretched out to lave them and set them in the convalescence of the heart?