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It was more than forty miles in circumference, and its walls enclosed buildings surpassing in size and grandeur even the Pyramids and the temples of Thebes. And even the ruins of this giant city, writes Lavard, are such as to allow a very fair conclusion of its enormous size. The mighty gates of brass, through which the royal train entered the city, had opened wide to receive this noble company.

Nor is their story always of peace. Here was Knud Lavard slain by his envious kinsman for the crown, and a miraculous spring gushed forth where he fell. Of the church they built for the pilgrims who sought it from afar they will show you the site, but the spring dried up with the simple old faith. Yonder, under the roof of Ringsted church, lie Denmark's greatest dead.

It was more than forty miles in circumference, and its walls enclosed buildings surpassing in size and grandeur even the Pyramids and the temples of Thebes. And even the ruins of this giant city, writes Lavard, are such as to allow a very fair conclusion of its enormous size. The mighty gates of brass, through which the royal train entered the city, had opened wide to receive this noble company.

It was more than forty miles in circumference, and its walls enclosed buildings surpassing in size and grandeur even the Pyramids and the temples of Thebes. And even the ruins of this giant city, writes Lavard, are such as to allow a very fair conclusion of its enormous size. The mighty gates of brass, through which the royal train entered the city, had opened wide to receive this noble company.

So the folk-lore was not so far out after all, and the church was rebuilt with two towers, as it should be. Under its eaves, whether of straw or tile, the two boys played their childish games, and before long there came to join in them another of their own age, young Valdemar, whose father, the very Knud Lavard mentioned above, had been foully murdered a while before.