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No domestic articles are so sympathetic as those of the milk tribe: they readily take on the smell and taste of any neighboring substance, and hence the infinite variety of flavors on which one mournfully muses who has late in autumn to taste twenty firkins of butter in hopes of finding one which will simply not be intolerable on his winter table.

"Oh, you may be sure that I realize the sickening folly and wickedness of it all, but I swear before my God that I didn't realize it then, until it was too late.

"In the first place, let me ask the cause of your visit here at so late an hour." "You heard," said Everard, "what I stated to your father?" "I did; but that seems to have been only part of your errand something there seemed to be which applied particularly to me." "It was a fancy a strange mistake," answered Everard. "May I ask if you have been abroad this evening?" "Certainly not," she replied.

"It's too late for that now," said Tom. "He attaches, I think, too much importance to that device. I shan't need it with the improvements I have made to the craft. Get aboard!"

He got home late las' night. An' Tell, he pipes up an' says, 'There was a arrow fastened in its mane when I see it this mornin', but his dad took no notice whatsoever av the boy's sayin'; just went on that it was the one Jean Pahusca had stole when he was drunk last. What does it mean, Phil? Is Jean hidin' out round here again?

"You came at bottom of course for our friend herself. But if it's, as you say, too late for me to do anything?" She continued to look at him, and with an irritation, which he saw grow in her, from the truth itself. "So I did say. But, with you here" and she turned her vision again strangely about her "with you here, and with everything, I feel we mustn't abandon her."

Then we took an unplanned eight-mile run to Raglan Castle, a magnificently impressive ruin; and that is why we arrived so late to-day at Tintern. This letter has grown like Jack's beanstalk, until I think I'd better post it on my way to dinner, instead of adding rhapsodies about moonlight in the Abbey.

"How long is it since they passed here?" asked Berselius. Félix held up the fingers of one hand. From certain indications he came to the conclusion they had passed late in the night, three hours or so before daybreak. They numbered forty or fifty, leaving aside the calves that might be with them.

Cassion made a swift gesture, but what it might signify I could not determine, as his face was turned away. A moment there was silence, as he shaded his eyes, and peered out across the water. "True, so I did," he said at last. "They were to depart before dawn. The villain is yonder see; well off that farthest point, and 'tis too late to overtake him now.

Nor were the men in much better case, so excessive had been the fatigues of the journey, for on many days they had been under arms from sunrise till late into the night. It was here, for the first time since our departure from Fort Cumberland, that I chanced to see Colonel Washington, and I was shocked at the change in his appearance.