Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The invitation is usually in the form of a hand-written note, explaining the reason for its last-minute arrival, and frankly requesting the presence of the lady or gentleman in the place of the one who cannot appear.

A fish swam close to an outside scanner, and seemed to peer closer and closer at them until there was only one great staring eye upon the screen. Then it flirted its tail at them and sped away. The ship moved on. Far out upon the floor of the Gulf, it paused. There were twenty minutes of last-minute checking. Then, swiftly, as a cork bobs upward, the Nebula arose through the parting waters.

The fact was that on the comparatively rare occasions when Doctor John himself was present for the family breakfast at the custom-consecrated hour, Paula managed about two times in five to put in a last-minute appearance. This was not what annoyed Miss Wollaston.

And Major Connel, alert and alive once more, drove his crew toward greater goals than it had achieved before. Nearly three days later, the Polaris appeared over the twin oceans of Tara and glided into an orbit just beyond the pull of the planet's gravity. Aboard the spaceship, last-minute preparations were made by the red-eyed spacemen.

The Spaniard seemed assured of victory when he took two sets and led at 5-3 and 30-all, but the last-minute jinx that pursued the tournament fell upon him, for Norton came to life and, playing sensational tennis, pulled out the match and earned the right to me in the challenge round. Then the jinx arose again and this time Babe Norton was the victim. Such a match as that challenge round produced!

Perhaps you will become less of a last-minute crammer and more of a scholar." But somehow his tone lacked conviction. "Years ago, right in this very room you now occupy, a Mohammedan wonder-worker performed four miracles before me!" Sri Yukteswar made this surprising statement during his first visit to my new quarters.

I thought that we'd collected all the items that could be analyzed in a lab until somebody thought of one I'd missed, the most obvious of them all soil and grass samples from under the spot where the UFO had hovered. We'd had samples, but in the last-minute rush to get back to Dayton they had been left in Florida.

The scattering of last-minute shoppers along the streets showed that most of the citizens were laying in supplies to last until after election. Gordon passed the First Marsport Bank and saw that it was surrounded by barbed wires, with other strands still being strung, and with a sign proclaiming that there was high voltage in the wires.

Next day the argument was forgotten in the air of rising excitement as embarkation orders for the Lancet came through. Preparations were completed, and only last-minute double-checks were required before blast-off. But an hour before count-down began, a jitney buzzed across the field, and a Two-star Pathologist climbed aboard with his three black-cloaked orderlies.

Douglass, a young junior physicist, late of the IP Physics Department, stuck his head in the door and announced his instruments were all set up. "Keep an eye on them. They'll move somehow, at any rate. This thing couldn't go as flat as that atom-buster of mine." Carefully Kendall made a few last-minute adjustments on the limiting relays, and took up his position at the power board.