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Winds, laik everything else, are amenable to control, if you only know how to control them. These tall trees will not only break the force of the winds, but they will shade her beautiful face as she drives about. They will shut off the too ardent sun that would wish to kiss her."

Auguste's voice aroused me. "Ah, Monsieur, is it not a face to love, to adore?" "It is a face to obey," I answered, with some heat, and with more truth than I knew. "Mon Dieu, Monsieur, it is so. It is that mek me love you know not how. You know not what love is, Monsieur Reetchie, you never love laik me. You have not sem risson.

Did I understand you to say that you wanted us to come to dinner?" "Dat's jest it, pertesser. I done 'spress mahself in de most disproportionate language what I knows how, an' yet it seems laik some pussons cain't understand de appreciableness ob simplisosity."

Would there be wisdom in flight? "Do you want to go, Ned?" she asked. She has seen her aunt swoon before, and her maid Susan knows well what to do. "Do you want to go, Ned?" "Laws Mussy, no, Miss Jinny. One nigger laik me doan't make no difference. My Marsa he say: 'Whaffor you leave ma house to be ramsacked by de Dutch? "What I gwineter answer?

"Bress yo' he'at, honey!" exclaimed the buxom cook, "I done put in enough fo' two mo' gen'men if yo'all would laik t' take 'em along. Don't yo'all worry!" "No, I think one young man will be sufficient," laughed Betty. "Only I didn't want him to go hungry, and I know the appetites of my friends." "Speak for yourself, if you please!" chided Mollie. "You eat as much as any of us."

"Happen I'll be goin' back home to-morn." "I wish thou'd coom an' live wi' us an' mind Jimmy, so as I can help father wi' t' loom," Annie continued. "Aye, an' thou can laik at cat's cradle wi' me," interposed the younger girl, Ruth. Jimmy, aged three, was silent, but he climbed into Mary's lap, and, with a grimy finger, made watercourses down her cheeks for the tears that still filled her eyes.

In the first place the whole herd of peccaries began to snap and grunt laik fury till the noise of the cyclone simmahd down into a sort of pitiful whine, laik the whine of a whipped dog. Imagine a cyclone comin' to that! Then, they tell me, you couldn't heah anything but the squealin' and gruntin' of those pesky little peccaries.

So, though all but the scientist were anxious, they had to wait until the night had passed. Several times Washington got up to see if the temple had, by any chance, taken wings during the long hours of darkness, but each time he found it was still in place. "Seems laik it'll never come mornin'." he said.

"But, Dinah, I must get this matter settled. It won't do for you to be frightened all the while. You must come and show me where you heard the noise." "Has I got to do it, Mrs. Bobbsey?" asked Dinah. "Yes, I think you had better." "Well, den, I heard de noise right down in de passageway dat goes from de kitchen to de dinin' room. Dat's where it was. A noise laik somebody cryin' an' weepin'."

"We will finish it, then, with cedah and polish it so well that laik the mirrors it will reflect her face as she walks about. Heah will be the music room. It shall have a piano made of the same rich wood. It will look as if it were built in the house. Theah shall be guitahs and mandolins. She plays the guitah a little, Cyclona, the Princess.