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For a week's work he had got two courses of logs laid in position. He did not allow his mind to dwell on the ultimate outcome of this task, because he was uneasily aware that Lone Moose was smiling slyly behind its brown hand at him and his works. In his mind there was nothing for it but a church. He had tried one Sunday service at Lachlan's house, with Lachlan senior to interpret his words.

I feel it even a disgrace to have lost what of it I never had!" "Indeed, Macruadh," said Annie, "it's a hard time! There is no money in the country! And fast the people are going after Lachlan!" "I shall miss you, Annie!" "You are very kind to us all, sir." "Are you not all my own! And you have to take care of for Lachlan's sake besides.

Marget's heart burned within her at the sight, and perhaps she could hardly make allowance for Lachlan's blood and theology. "This is what ye hev dune, and ye let a woman see yir wark. Ye are an auld man, and in sore travail, but a' tell ye before God ye hae the greater shame. Juist twenty years o' age this spring, and her mither dead.

I felt well, I felt as if the Lachlan's story should have been played in the biggest theatre in the world, by the greatest actors, with music for the intervals and situations deep, strong music, such as thrills and lifts a man from his boot soles.

'Yes, but He said "any man," persisted Nelson, putting his hand on Lachlan's knee. But Lachlan shook his head. 'Dat young feller, said Baptiste; 'wha's hees nem, heh? 'He has no name. It is just a parable, explained Sandy. 'He's got no nem? He's just a parom'ble? Das no young feller? asked Baptiste anxiously; 'das mean noting?

And they hastened to converse volubly upon the weather and the mosquitoes and Sam Carr's garden and a new canoe that Lachlan's boys were building, and such homely interests. As to church and service they were utterly dumb, patently unable to follow Thompson's drift when he spoke of those things. If they had souls that required salvation they were blissfully unconscious of the fact.

"Well, sir," returned Annie, after a moment's hesitation, "he does not SAY so!" "If he did not mean it, he would be a rascal, and I should have to kill him. But my life on Lachlan's honesty!" "Thank you, sir. He would lay down his for you." "Not if you said to him, DON'T!-eh, Annie?" "But he would, Macruadh!" returned the young woman, almost angrily. "Are not you his chief?"

So Thompson stopped his building activities long enough to make a trip to Pachugan. He got Lachlan's oldest son to go with him. His quarterly salary was due, and he had a rather reluctant report of his work to make. With the money he would be able to replenish his stock of sugar and tea and dried fruit and flour.

The highland Fling competition was on at the moment, and Angus Campbell, Lachlan's brother, was representing the lumber camps in the contest. Nixon looked on approvingly for a few moments, then with a quick movement he seized the little Highlander, swung him in his powerful arms clean off the floor, and deposited him gently upon a beer-barrel.

This took the form of studying the Athabascan gutturals with the aid of Lachlan's second son, a boy of eighteen. For an hour in the forenoon and the same in the evening he struggled with pronunciations and meanings like a child learning the alphabet, forgetting, like the child, a good deal of it between lessons.