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"Yes, that is right; you've made it out," Says Mary, with a pretty pout, "Subtraction don't me please." Division's next upon the list; Young Henry taught while Mary kiss'd, And much admired the rule; "Now, Henry, don't you think me quick?" "Why, yes, indeed, you've learn'd the trick At kissing you're no fool."

"And I have acted well my part, And made my cheek belie my heart, Returned the freezing glance she gave, Yet felt the while that woman's slave; Have kiss'd, as if without design, The babe which ought to have been mine, And show'd, alas! in each caress, Time had not made me love the less."

Else I am sure to blame some other woman. Stay " She drew off her ring, and slipp'd it on my little finger. "There's my token! Now give me one to weep and be glad over." Having no trinkets, I gave my glove: and she kiss'd it twice, and put it in her bosom.

"From the whirlwind he spake, when man wrung with pain, In the strength of his anguish dare challenge his God; 'Mid its thunders he told him his reasoning was vain, Till he bowed to correction, and kiss'd the just rod.

A twist of gold was round her hair; a robe Of samite without price, that more exprest Than hid her, clung about her lissome limbs, In colour like the satin-shining palm On sallows in the windy gleams of March: And while she kiss'd them, crying, 'Trample me, Dear feet, that I have follow'd thro' the world, And I will pay you worship; tread me down And I will kiss you for it'; he was mute: So dark a forethought roll'd about his brain, As on a dull day in an Ocean cave The blind wave feeling round his long sea-hall In silence."

Come unto these yellow sands, And then take hands; Curtsied when you have, and kiss'd The wild waves whist, Foot it featly here and there; And, sweet sprites, the burden bear.

Vivien is modern enough if any type of character is modern: at all events there is no such Blanche Amory of a girl in the old legends and romances. In these Merlin fatigues the lady by his love; she learns his arts, and gets rid of him as she can. His forebodings in the Idyll contain a magnificent image: "There lay she all her length and kiss'd his feet, As if in deepest reverence and in love.

Then Pamphilus an apple broke, And at her bosom aim'd the stroke, While she the fragment kiss'd and press'd, And hid it wanton in her breast. But I, be sure, was in amaze, To see my sister's artful ways: "These are returns," I said, "quite fit To me, who nursed you when a chit. For shame, lay by this envious art; Is this to act a sister's part?"

Upon the shores of that lone bay, With folded arms the maiden stood; And watch'd the white sails wing their way Across the gently heaving flood. The summer breeze her raven hair Swept lightly from her snowy brow; And there she stood, as pale and fair As the white foam that kiss'd my prow.

And as the young man kiss'd them, and dropp'd a tear upon them, it seem'd to him that he had found pity and sympathy from Heaven itself. Only to say that the murderer soon departed for a new field of action that he is still living and that this is but one of thousands of cases of unravel'd, unpunish'd crime left, not to the tribunals of man, but to a wider power and judgment.