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That was too bad. Died before seeing her. Did you let her sail, Mr. Hawkes?" "Yes. We thought it best to bring her over here and acquaint her with the sad news after her arrival. Had she known before sailing she might not have taken the journey." "But what was the use of bringing her over when Mr. Kingsnorth was dead?" asked Alaric.

To just say that she was to wait. I wanted to have an opportunity to explain matters before introducing her." "She should have been brought straight to me," complained Mrs. Chichester. "The poor thing." Then with a feeling of outraged pride she said: "My niece in kitchen. A Kingsnorth mistaken for a servant!" The door opened and Jarvis came into the room.

Threats, law-proceedings, evictions all were useless. They simply would not pay. His agent finally admitted himself beaten. Mr. Kingsnorth must wait for better times. Furious at his diminished income and hating, with a bitter hatred, the disloyal and cheating tenantry, he rose at a Guildhall banquet to reply to the toast of "The Colonies."

A delicate, sickly infant, it seemed as if the splendid blood of the family had expended its vigour on the elder children. Angela needed constant attention to keep her alive. From tremulous infancy she grew into delicate youth. None of the strict standards Kingsnorth had used so effectually with his other children applied to her. She seemed a child apart.

Our laws are passed or defeated by the Irish vote, and yet so blindly ignorant and obstinate is our insular prejudice that we refuse them the favours they do us governing THEMSELVES as well as England." Kingsnorth looked at his daughter aghast. Treason in his own house! His child speaking the two most hated of all words at his own dinner table and in laudatory terms. He could scarcely believe it.

Her face was dead-white; her breath was coming thickly; her eyes were fastened in hatred on her brother's face. "Kindly try and control yourself, Angela," Kingsnorth said sternly. "You should consider my position a little more " "YOUR position? And what is HIS? You with EVERYTHING you want in life that man with NOTHING. He is being hounded to prison for what? Pleading for his country!

Nathaniel Kingsnorth stayed only, long enough in Ireland to permit of Angela's recovery. He only went into the sick-room once. When Angela saw him come into the room she turned her back on him and refused to speak to him. For a moment a flush of pity for his young sister gave him a pang at his heart. She looked so frail and worn, so desperately ill.

She was an excellent musician: rode fairly to hounds: bestowed prizes at the local charities with grace and distinction as became a Kingsnorth and looked coldly out at the world from behind the impenetrable barriers of an old name. When she married Frederick Chichester, the rising barrister, connected with six county families, it was a proud day for old Kingsnorth.

Not needing her, Kingsnorth did not love her. He gave her a form of tolerant affection. Too fragile to mix with others, she was brought up at home. Tutors furnished her education. The winters she passed abroad with her mother. When her mother died she spent them with relations or friends. The grim dampness of the English climate was too rigorous for a life that needed sunshine.

His dearest ambitions were, apparently, about to be realised. He had been called on, as a staunch Conservative, to add his quota to the already wonderful array of brilliant perorations of seasoned statesmen and admirable speakers. Kingsnorth had excelled himself. Never had he spoken so powerfully.