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During the three weeks which elapsed between the two expeditions of the 'Sunday League, Kendal saw Miss Bretherton two or three times under varying circumstances. One night he took it into his head to go to the pit of the Calliope, and came away more persuaded than before that as an actress there was small prospect for her.

For, as Kendal emerged with his sister, his attention was perforce attracted by the little crowd of persons already assembled round the figure of Isabel Bretherton, and, as his eye travelled over them, he realised with a fresh start the full compass of the change which had taken place.

Even if all had been smooth, the sacrifice of income, by destroying Tibb's Alley, and reducing the number of cottages, would be considerable. Meantime, the inspection had brought to light worse iniquities and greater wretchedness than Mr. Kendal had imagined, and his eagerness to set to work was tenfold.

Kendal gathered that young O'More had become so valuable, and that cold and indifferent as Mr. Goldsmith appeared, he had been growing so fond and so proud of his nephew, as actually to resolve on giving him a share of the business, and dividing the inheritance which had hitherto been destined to a certain Andrew Goldsmith, brought up in a relation's office at Bristol.

'I think, he said, angrily, trying for dignity, though bewrayed by his restless eyes and hands 'I think it is too much to accuse me of of when I never said What word did I ever give? 'You promised never to persecute her again. 'There may be two opinions as to what persecution means, said Gilbert. 'I little thought of subterfuges. I trusted you. 'Mrs. Kendal! hear me, he passionately cried.

If I am not back at the usual time Dorothy will superintend affairs bless her dear little heart! Why, she's a regular little jewel about the house, even with her affliction." This praise of Dorothy was anything but pleasant to Iris, especially when Kendal was present, and she turned the conversation at once into another channel.

She could only feel how much he was to be pitied, and how he responded to her affection. She was crossing the hall next day, when she heard a confusion of tongues through the open door of the dining-room, and above all, Gilbert's. 'Well, I say there are but two ladies in Bayford. One is Mrs. Kendal, and the other is Genevieve Durant!

Having come to London from Kendal in 1762, leaving his wife and family behind him in Lancashire, he remained in the metropolis for thirty-seven years, making, during this time, but two visits to the place which he never ceased to consider his home. It does not appear that anything but absorption in work was the cause of this neglect.

On the contrary it was a most straightforward and transparent look. Kendal's knowledge which might have sought cover if you had hunted it had come out to meet ours on equal terms. It only lasted for the fraction of a second. Kendal repeated firmly, but this time respectfully, that she was Mr. Jevons's car and he couldn't take her out without Mr. Jevons's orders, for if he did Mr.

"Come and see me in my library this evening," said Doctor Bryan, grasping the young man's hand, "and we will talk over the matter you have so much at heart, and I will give you my answer in regard to it." "You are too good, sir," cried Kendal, in bewilderment.